Monday, March 8, 2010

How To Conduct A Job Search

Your job search campaign is conducted like any other project - by breaking it down into steps. So all you need to know is what step you're on. Then decide the next logical step to take.

To conduct your job finding campaign is as easy as a, b, c. That's because all you need to do is -

a) Know what step you're on

b) Activate it

c) Ask yourself what's my next step.

Let's take an example. Suppose you're on an interview step of your job finding campaign. We discussed "learn how to interview" in yesterday's post. You can break down your interview into steps like this -

1. Obtain a job description for this job from the company or recruiter

2. Determine how your skills match those job specifications

3. Plan your approach to the interview

4.Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse

5. Plan wardrobe (interview outfit)

6. Get directions to interview site; dry run the day or weekend prior it if necessary

So if you've just been invited to interview, determine what step you're on. The answer is the first step of getting a job description. Then activate the step by asking the prospective employer or recruiter for the job specs. Now ask yourself, "What's my next step?" The answer is to work at matching your skills and achievements to the specifications listed in the job description.

You need to do this with all parts of your job hunt. Determine the step you're on. Activate it. And move on to the next step. That's how to conduct a job search. After you land, use the same process with all of your projects and activities.



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