Saturday, March 27, 2010

Five Big Mistakes Job Seekers Make

Growing frustrated by your job search? Or are you procrastinating because starting the process seems too daunting? If you want your search to yield results, don't make these mistakes!

Mistake #1: Not Spending Time on Networking

Overall most jobs are found through networking, not by submitting your resume to online job boards. When you network you can find out about jobs before they are posted - or connect with jobs that never find their way to the job boards. You'll increase your chances of success by letting everyone in your network know you're looking. Don't think that you know enough people? Then grow your network by attending business and social networking events and by joining online groups such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

Mistake #2: Being Too Scattered in Your Search

Sometimes job seekers are reluctant to narrow their search by committing to a specific job. They think they will increase their chances by applying for many different types of jobs. However, it's not a good idea to apply for any job that comes along because it sounds like it might be a fit. Employers are looking for candidates who have proven skills that are in line with the requirements. The more you scatter your efforts across the board, the more time you'll waste applying for positions that aren't a good match for you.

Mistake #3: Not Doing Your Research

Take the time to find out about the job you want. For instance, does it require specialized training or certifications? Are the jobs based in your geographic location or will you have to move? What is the salary range?

Knowing the details about the position will help you when you update your resume. If you know what specific skills are required, you can play up those points on your resume and in your cover letter.  Get your facts first and lessen the chance you'll regret your job choice later.

Mistake #4: Not Having Your Resume Updated

Does your resume have the right keywords? Did you include details about your present (or last) position?  Does your resume include the job title you're applying for? Look at job ads for the position you want and be sure to include the keywords in your resume.

If you are applying for more than one position, you should have a resume tailored to each one. For instance, if you are applying for a technical writer position and a business analyst position, be sure that you have two versions of your resume. Do not include jobs that you had over ten years ago. Employers are more interested in what you've done lately. If your resume is geared to internal company job searching, make sure to revise it before you send it out. Don't include acronyms and abbreviations that no one outside of your current company (or industry) will understand.

Mistake #5: Not Being Consistent in Your Search

If you're stopping and starting your job search, your results will be equally inconsistent. Set up daily and weekly tasks in your calendar to insure that you are on track. Have a vision for where you want to go, and don't be discouraged if it takes longer than you expect. With more people out in the market looking for jobs, there's increased competition. Consistent and steady work towards your goal will get you where you want to go!



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