Friday, March 19, 2010

Job Search Mistakes To Avoid

Some factors such as strange email addresses, inappropriate use of an answering machine, or the message on an answering machine can give a negative impression about the job seeker.

Here are common mistakes that a candidate often tends to make while searching for a job:

o Email address: Email addresses have become valid mode of communication in the corporate world. Due to several advantages, email addresses are considered to be the best way to begin the recruitment process. So, it is important to have a professional email address as an unprofessional email addresses that often appears to be "cute," may not fit well in the corporate world. It is also important to have an email address with the real name of the person or something relevant to the field of work, and it should reflect the professional attitude of a person applying for a job.

o Voicemail: Voicemails need to convey professionalism. It is one of the ways that you market yourself, even when you are cannot talk to an employer personally. In order to make your voicemail sound professional, listen to your message once you are through with the recording. Ensure it is short, clear, and corporate. Never record an unprofessional message - because recording an unprofessional message means chances are that you may not get another call from a potential employer.

o Resume: Your resume is an effective tool for putting across your skills in words to a recruiter. Most job seekers do not understand the importance of a resume and tend to ignore writing effective resumes until it becomes urgent.

o Cover Letter: A cover letter is often one of the most effective ways of highlighting your interests regarding a particular job. It is essential to take some time to write a professional cover letter to attach with your resume while applying through email or by snail mail. It helps to draw the attention of the recruiter towards your special skills or something that may not be included in your resume. Most recruiters want to see a cover letter along with your resume.

o Interview: Your impressively drafted cover letter and resume bring you to the interview, but it is your communication skills that should do the marketing for you. This is the perfect stage for you to tell the recruiter that you are the best candidate for the position.



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