Monday, March 1, 2010

If the job search Feels Like Jury Duty

So here are some thoughts about a job and jury duty. Are they comparable?

Ask anyone who has been summoned for jury duty, and you will receive one of two reactions. First are the people who are proud and honored to have a way to serve their country () 2% of the respondents. Second, there are people who complain loudly to everyone they know that the system is painful, inefficient and not particularly sensitive) to the participants (98% of respondents.

Hmmm ... Sounds a bit like> Looking for a job on some days, right? So, how else are the two similar? And, more importantly, how we beat this analogy to a few new thoughts to help you succeed in finding a new job be?

Here are some of the most difficult to swallow aspects of jury duty (you can also from below and add your own comment):

1. Painful. I think you, the jury agreed requirement often comes at the wrong time and if your company is not obligated jury friendly, you can financially hurt. The pain also comesin the form of boredom as you wait until your number is called. Always sitting all day?

2. Inefficient. How do you know your weekend that you do not, what your week out? The base system that juries RSS feed provides the proof for you without collateral security that you elsewhere (like in an important work meeting). You can receive the call, the next few days or weeks, only a few hours before the actual jury dictates commitment begins.

3. No empathy. If you ever tell a sadStory to the judge and watched their reaction, you know what I mean. Very few people out of jury duty.

So now you know that all of this, job search can not be so bad, right? Well, you and I both know that a job can be very tough - especially in these economic times.

- The financial pain is for those who do not get a lot of redundancy and its content represents the bulk of the income of their families significantly. Ensure you build ita financing plan and budget conservatively for your transition.

- If you are not careful, the inefficiency is a real risk. ) Many of the immediately gratifying tasks (such as scanning for jobs on the Internet can be the least effective. To make sure you have a strategy and build a discipline in your efforts.

- And, no, it's not a lot of empathy out there. Layoffs are not personal attacks, but they can abruptly and terribly cold. The reality is that HR people need toGoal, even if they are likely to hurt deeply. So, do your best to transfer your mind as quickly as you can. The longer you take to heal, hold onto your anger or frustration is, the longer it will take for you to confidently interview in his right mind with a cool, his head set.

So what are your secrets to succeeding in a difficult environment?



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