Sunday, March 14, 2010

Teacher Job Search

Are you struggling to find a job as a teacher? Were you one of the teachers in Florida that lost their job due to budget cuts? There are plenty of teaching jobs out there, but you have to know where to look. Performing a teacher job search is not difficult, but there are some hints that can help you.

Hint #1

Never limit your search to just one state or one city. Teachers are needed in different areas of the United States and you might not be living in the area that is in need. As a city or state grows it needs more teachers and will experience shortages of teachers until it hits a plateau. Areas that are growing have a demand for teachers, but areas that have grown and then stop growing will often have to cut the budget and eliminate some of their teachers.

Hint #2

Apply at both public and private schools. By applying for teaching positions at both public and private schools you will give yourself more of a chance to get hired somewhere. There are always teachers retiring, quitting, or moving up to a new level, and those are positions that need to be filled. You could fill one of them if you get your resume in front of the right principal.

Hint #3

Stay flexible with your search. Be open to working as a teacher assistant, teaching a different grade than what you are used to, and stay open to working in a school that you would rather not teach in. If you are struggling to find a teaching job, then you need to be open to whatever is available. You can always continue your search the following summer and keep looking for that dream teaching job, but for now you need to be employed for the experience and the money. Be willing to accept an assistant job, a different grade than you want, or a different school than you want because the experience will help you with in your next search.

Use these three hints along with all the skills you were taught in school to help you with your teacher job search.



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