$100K+ Executive Job Search - 7 New Secrets to Finding Your Next Executive Level Position in 90 Days
Doug Compton, a laid off 43-year-old operations executive, was frustrated. His efforts to find a new six-figure executive role had resulted in only two interviews in six months. And, although he's growing his list of contacts, Doug's networking hasn't resulted in any real job leads, either.
Doug always landed a job quickly but that was over 10 years ago. Based upon his results this time around, he knew he had to change his job search strategies. "But to what?" he asked himself.
Top executives, like Doug who were upper-level managers, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors and CEOs, and who are looking for their next position often experience these same results. Many like to blame the economy, their age, or their networking efforts. However, none of these factors are the main cause behind their lack of results.
Now, $100k+ executives must shift how they approach their executive-level job search campaign.
Landing a top role in a company is tricky. It entails presenting your potential, not your past. It includes defining yourself within your network as a top talent. There is a mix of elements in an executive presentation - both in print and in person-- that "gets the ear" of the top CEO or President.
The New 7 Elements of an Executive-Level $100K+ Job Search Campaign
- Being Tops in the Industry: A CEO wants to hire only the best. When CEOs are looking to fill their top ranks of decision-makers, they want to know that the executive they hire is at the top of his or her game.
- Had Name Recognition: Top decision makers looking for thought leaders first look within their network. Rarely is a $100K+ executive level position filled through traditional job banks. Even if a company hires an executive search firm, the recruiter still looks to find the candidate that has name recognition in the industry,
- Easily Found, But "Not Looking": 100K+ executives who can be wooed away from their current positions are the most desirable. Leaders who distribute their resumes or profiles on every available job board give the impression that they are "damaged goods." The trick, then, is to be easily found through their network or on the Internet but give the appearance that they are NOT looking for a position.
- Considered a "Thought-Leader": Presidents or Boards of Directors who offer positions to high-level $100K+executives want leaders who have a persona with a point-of-view. This does not mean that an executive must go out and try to be a celebrity. But, as I state in my book, Market Your Potential, Not Your Past, having a point-of-view means that one is known for having an opinion about how to move forward in a crowded industry. They have unique opinions on how to find new markets to offer products and services, and/or gather new potential customers to a brand.
- Distinctively Different than Others: Do you know the number one reason why high-level executives fail in their positions? It's because their leadership style can't or won't fit the culture of the company. Offers given to top executives include those who not only do their job well but also those fit the cultural style of the company.
- Message-Ready and Visible: Today everyone checks everything out on the Internet. To "Google" is now a verb as well as a noun. Yet getting visible on the Internet requires a strategy and a thematic message. You must also execute that strategy consistently. It is well known that top ranking executive search firms first search the Internet thoroughly before presenting a candidate to a company. Therefore, if you are invisible your chances of finding that next $100K+ executive level position will be significantly reduced.
- Extensive, Engaged, and Active Network: Finding a top executive-level position quickly depends on how large one's network is and how active it is in helping you find that next 100K+ career. If your network is small, then you are asking each member to do a lot on your behalf. But if your network is large, then a small amount of effort from each individual can yield lots of leads.
These seven elements should be part of every executive's game plan when trying to find a new $100K executive-level position. For most, however, building these elements into an executive career campaign takes time.
What can your do if you need a job right away?
Landing a $100K+ Executive Level Career Position
The answer is to begin where you are. It's what I call, "building the wall and fighting the battle at the same time." There are no short-cuts. But you can improve your odds by just beginning to incorporate these elements. Even a little movement in this direction begins to set you apart as a "must-have" executive.
And that's the point, isn't it?
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