Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Land That Job!

Many eager job-seekers are resorting to online job search sites in hopes of landing that position they've wanted since childhood. Dreams of becoming a lawyer, veterinarian or even a graphic designer can be accomplished with just a click of a mouse.

Going door-to-door begging employers for a job may illustrate your current employment status, but it's not ideal. Using a job search engine is a useful solution, as many employers check email several times a day and hopefully they'll find your resume sitting in their inbox!

Job Search Advice:

o Check job search sites everyday if you can--they're often updated several times a day.

o Don't only apply to jobs under your designated career category--more often than not, many career categories hold positions you'd be compatible with.

o Check to see if a prospective employer wants your resume sent via email or in an attached Word document--this will make or break your chances at getting the job.

o If the job listing says, "No phone calls," they mean it.

o Don't assume that a long wait means an employer is disinterested--they may have applicant pools in the thousands.

o If you receive an automated, "We were impressed by your resume, but you don't fit what we're looking for," don't be afraid to follow-up and ask why! This could aid you in future applications.

o When typing in career keywords, make your list as versatile as possible.

o Try out several job search services--not every employer posts to the same job bank.

o Sign up to receive automatic career matches by email--some services offer this free-of-charge, saving you the hassle of weeding through jobs that aren't of interest to you.

Of course, with every life-changing decision such as beginning a new occupation, it's best to compare job search engines. is a site that looks favorably on Monster, a prominent career-everything oasis. Monster allows eager applicants to Network Now and fill out their profiles based on job desired, compensation requirements, location and education history.

Another leading job search engine is The Ladders, whose target demographic is executives and $100k plus positions. Although you may not fall into this employment bracket, SnagAJob offers more diverse positions and part-time opportunities. The Web has changed our way of being and surely searching for jobs online is no exception.



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