Monday, November 22, 2010

Facebook and Google in the control report - What employers use to help research

Increasingly employers admit to using social networking sites and search engines as tools to carry out the checks referenced in the work process. Social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and search engines like Yahoo and Google have become very popular with employers and candidates seeking the screen.

Business Justification.

Why should an employer issue with Google and Facebook to research potential candidates? E 'simple curiosity, or is there real business justification? Many studies confirm the costs associated with poor hiring decision online. The cost of goods sold is estimated to be twice the annual salary for a particular position. The cost of a bad hire, which remains with a company, is even greater.

Companies have an interest that will be a "contingent liability" with a box of evil. For example, someone who runs a website for rental partisanship racist or illegal activities are another importantpotential liability for any business. There are many reasons why a company would choose this option to check a possible candidate to conduct research or a reference.


With the growing popularity of social networking sites and powerful search engines such as Google, personal data has never been easier to obtain. Recently, Facebook opened its site to search engines like Google and Yahoo. Despite the legal or moralCandidates can remember the controls are employers on Google or Facebook on their personal data and the implementation of employment, it might be wise to Web for job seekers to be careful what you post on.


Regardless of the established labor law still applies. In many countries there are specific laws against discriminatory hiring practices. In Canada, the Human Rights Act on Protection of Individualsof discriminatory hiring practices on the basis of religion, race, sex, marital status, disability, and so on. And 'advisable for applicants and employers to be familiar with the concepts of law as bfor etc. For example, a company should not manage, because the results of the search engine shows that the applicant has a religious site. If employers are considering the inclusion of the use of search engines and social networking sites in their screening and selectionProcess, so be consistent in its application at the same time respecting all norms of current job. Consistency means that all candidates go through a recruitment procedure that your policy should be applied consistently. For example, if your company runs criminal background checks as a condition of employment, so it should not take this step for all applicants fully choose the ones that look like a criminal. If the employer does not have concerns for their recruitment policy, it would be prudentHuman Resources to contact their lawyer or professional work.

Finally, as mentioned above to avoid the business decision to use search engines and networking sites to research potential staff costs driven by all before. This is the employer are motivated to avoid the costs and liabilities of a low rent. The same logic would then also important that employers consider the impact on public perception and involvement of employees in the exercise of thatPolicies. As if the employees and job seekers view of search engines and networking sites for candidates to research as in bad taste to help with the exercise of the employer would defeat the purpose.



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