Arrival in the U.S.
As the tired Josefa and his two sons behind the path of the U.S. Customs area at the revolving door Usher, a bright flash their attention ... on the other side of the glass door, Richard, wave, and photograph. Richard Joseph is a U.S. citizen girlfriend of two years. Josefa is a Filipino, and so are his two sons from a previous marriage. The two long years of waiting finally paid off. Josefa gains its strength from the rigors of the trip at the sight of Richard."What a show!" Josefa sighs. "I'm finally home!" The tears rolling down her cheeks as she falls into the arms welcoming. She is missing so much.
This is one of the many joyous and emotional scenes happening at the airport a day. Family and loved ones are reunited. This is a moment of joy ... a moment to express and share a happy thought and feeling ... a time display of affection ... a moment to thank the Lord for the blessing.
Joseph and Richard wants to make a livingtogether. They both know that the communication and the art of listening are very important ingredients for a sustainable relationship. This goes without saying that the love trust, honesty and respect are the solid foundations of a lasting relationship.
Josefa shares with Richard ARRIVAL / CHECK LIST statement that she and her daughters from pre-departure orientation seminar / counseling and orientation program at the Commission on Filipinos abroad (CFO), Manila Philippines. This is aGeneric Checklist for immigrants in the United States:
1. Keep your identification documents (eg passport / residence permit registration of foreigners, the tax code, health card, medical records, credit card or debit card, bank book (s), birth certificate, marriage certificate , etc.) in a safe place.
2. Keep a list of emergency numbers in your area.
3. Free language courses available, training, work - workshops, seminars and other programs offered post-arrival researchon newly settled immigrants
4. Questions about policy and its main local offices (such as town halls, tourist police and offices, agencies, Inland Revenue, Social Security Administration office, Migrant Resource Centre, etc.).
5. Being aware of their rights and obligations in the host country.
6. Learning to use public transport systems and communications in your area.
7. Learn new skills, such as driving or using the computer.Continuously train and improve your language skills.
8. Participate in social activities.
Richard helps Josefa and her daughters with the voices of the checklist of interest. Five days after the arrival of Joseph from the Philippines to the United States, Richard marries her. This is a simple but important for her wedding. The two girls are now in school.
Josefa gets her permanent resident card a few months after their marriage. It can work now. It reviews the TIPSFor job seekers, the CFO has given:
1. Get with the government, providing employment support. Check the ads in local newspapers, Internet and personal networks for jobs in your area.
2. Prepare the following documents when applying for a job:
Proof of residence
Social Security Number
Cover Letter and Resume
Professional License (if applicable)
Proof ofKnowledge of the country's official language
Other securities
Josefa make folders ... out of the car ... the building and walks for his first interview.

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