Successful career change in 7 Steps
January 2010, announced today the U.S. is a satisfaction rate of 45% in the United States. But most of the thought of career change for at this time is not an option. To maintain the productivity of innovation and creativity, while in a job where it is disengaged is not an option. Can not engaged? Here are seven steps to make a change of career success, no matter the economic climate. Even in hard times, less stress is the key to job satisfaction.
I amYou are informed about the exact steps I did when I made my last career change. I made all sales to the Director of Direct TV Services Women's Imaging. But nothing satisfied me as what I'm doing. I firmly believe that job satisfaction is a gift God's call only if your after. So if you want to change your career to think about my top 7 steps here:
1. Opt. It 's the first step to your career. Changeor to find your calling career began with the decision process are linked and be willing to do whatever it is that you are destined to do. Indecision steals your motivation and preparation for failure. If you are not a firm decision, employment (work) to develop these were the first sign of resistance in the shape you want. There is a difference between be interested and engaged.
2. Make an inventory. Vote for your values, transferable skills, interests and talents.Look inside and discover what is unique, and its importance for the future. The experience of living and working to give information about your interests and talents. Education shows your skills and knowledge. Make a complete list of all, nothing is too small or too large, then ...
3. The search for a career, interesting or exciting, you seem to be. Do informational interviews with people who are already in the process that you want to do. Internet research is carried out only if you have specialYou need to ask for an answer. Without a guided search on the Internet, is likely to get overwhelmed with information overload due. Borrow books from the library on careers that will captivate you. If you have a list or feel pulled in different directions, a pick. Doing research is the only way to determine if it suits you.
4. Now you can make an informed decision from your heart. That's right, not your head, your heart. If you want true peace, true adventurereal task of making the decision to monitor calls from your heart. Listen to your inner voice and ask for feedback. Ask yourself these questions: there is no peace for the decision? If success is no guarantee that I will do what I do? This alignment with my career choice of talents God gave a purpose?
5. Avoid Perfection paralysis. You know what I mean. If you wait for everything to be perfect, first motivated or inspired to act on your decision toYou will never do anything. While waiting for everything to be perfect is a way to steal momentum from us and keeps us in life, who despise us, but are too afraid to do something different locked. The end result is paralysis.
6. Preparation and perseverance. Now you're on your way to impact your world. It is this new area you have to learn new skills or fine-tuning of existing knowledge? In the words of Henry Hartman, "where preparation meets opportunity, success is found." Be patient as youShare your travels. Do not cave at first glance the opposition. In fact, when an obstacle gets you closer to success than you think. Do not give up!
7. Relax.When I started my trip I was too serious and could not see the humor in many situations. I was too closely linked to outcomes and results rather than learning from the process and enjoy the driving seat. This is a journey on a road that is full of wealth if you spend too much time focused onHoles, you'll miss the beautiful scenery.
There is no need to do this journey alone. Personal growth and satisfaction with the support of a mentor, advisor, coach or accelerated.
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