Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Goodbye to Big Pharma jobs and industry in USA Forever - Exodus already begun!

One by one we lose our largest industry in the United States, and all the high-paying jobs that go with it. The latest in the pharmaceutical sector, many of these companies use their production, and some of its research centers in China. Some large companies are Big Pharma India would take, but in any case to leave Germany. Yes, consolidate and dismissal are also here. But lately manyof them were from offshoring jobs.

It 's really amazing, given the U.S. government supported the large pharmaceutical industry for so long, and pay taxes for our dollars by taking large number of drugs for the elderly - to help through a variety of diseases and disorders. Many seniors are taking on five different medications, and costs a lot of money. But this money is used instead for jobs here in the U.S.Pharmaceutical companies are related to less regulation and low labor costs in China.

From a financial standpoint or point of view of equity, yes, this makes perfect sense, but we here in the United States must be careful, because without the same rules in this production, the plants that make drugs - Well, let's see only to say that "there will be problems." Quality control There was a very large number of cases outside the Boston area and was in NewJersey, and few in Philadelphia, where some important large reputable companies do not need quality control to ensure that the drugs were safe - well, at least according to the FDA, a number of plants have been imposed.

In China, there is essentially the quality control just outside of the company, and the U.S. FDA has only one office in China and I do not think that the big pharmaceutical production facilities visited there to check thisobviously suspect. However, these drugs are also used for human consumption here in the U.S.. I think it is unacceptable opinion [] ..

If we really want to put the blame on free trade? No, maybe not, but we must understand how trading works. Remember, the glass industry, which was good enough in the South, even after NAFTA went all in Monterey, Mexico, later on, when you work more expensive there, everything went to China. It 'incredible to be all the glass productsShipping from China to here, without breaking, but that's how it works.

Finally, the same will happen in China and in Mexico in Monterrey, and these jobs Big Pharma is to leave China to other places such as Egypt, Africa, Indonesia or India, where labor is cheaper than Chinese people demand higher wages and productivity of its rooms are estimates that inflation and the real development of their economy.

In fact, not long ago I read a very interesting researchBook on this that prompted me to write this article. The summary of the document and its conclusion was that China is losing its competitiveness in the pharmaceutical sector for the year 2015 for India. That makes perfect sense to me, but meanwhile we must look at the quality control of products, and we have a serious problem with the loss of jobs here in the U.S., and have not returned in this field.

Right now our tax dollars pay for thisDrugs through Medicare, the financing of these firms and individuals in China, while we all work very hard here in the U.S., our taxes so people who can pick up the drugs they need to get a better quality of life and standard of life, age to be paid.

It makes no sense.


1) Vishal Bhandari, Axel Erhard, Saurabh Tejwani and AT Kearney;. "If China loses its cost competitiveness in the pharmaceutical manufacturing by 2015?" Article publishedLife Science Leader, September 2010.



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