Saturday, November 20, 2010

How many plates are spinning to get a job

Two fundamental truths about job search success

Two fundamental truths about successful job search: you can not go it alone and can not be done without tapping into larger network. Far too many people rely on very few resources to start a search and are often less effective.

A strategy of job search is to extend the network and be sure to use pieces of it as the most effectiveefficiently as possible. If you are looking for work, if you are a manager or office manager, it is true: Success will come if your business meets the intelligent right circumstances.

The painful truth

So what's the first thing you do? Well, first you have to tell people who you need their help. Sounds easy, right? But for a significant number of people looking for work, this is extremely difficult. Whether you werefired, laid off or made a move on their own is not light entertainment for the ego. Everyone has their own way to express how they are "in between", "looking for something new," "interested in a new challenge," but the classical expression for managers is "in transition". I never liked the phrase because it seems a lot passive (as you are a victim). For me it's a real success, proactive, confident and intelligent.

Identify your dishes

The network canin micro-systems which has broken every aspect of your life. In my eyes, each of these networks appear as spinning plates, you will be considered. They can assess, measure and turned at different speeds. But the first step, must be identified. Here are some of the most important records I spun when I 'in between' in 2007:

- Neighbors (you never know how many hiring managers live on your street to ask)
- Children in my softball team
- Key Recruiter (important micro-networkif used correctly)
- Web search engines (Monster, job search, done)
- Online Networking Groups (like LinkedIn or Facebook)
- Church (same observation for the neighbors above)
- Career coach (not cheap, but incredibly valuable - especially if you spend $ in the early stages of research
- Groups Network (check your local community or go to
- The parents of the friends of my son (football team, fifth-grade class, gymnastics, you name it)
- High schoolFriends (yes, some of them will even talk to me)
- My fraternity brothers at Sigma Chi
- My wife (if you're married, or a significant other, there is no better person to talk to you about)
- Former employees (especially if you made a strong impression)
- A former vendor previous company (their stock is rising, if you have any new country)
- And so on ...

After all the dishes are identified, and asking some questions:

- How important are these tables (ieMicro-grids)?
- They can help, directly or indirectly?
- How motivated would help?
- How many times have you spin them (for help) for their help to maximize without burning a bridge?

So, what networks you are at that next big role? If you want to see each of the categories above mine, also an "A" if 10-14, give yourself a "B". Are you with 50-10, will be OK, but unfortunately this is a "C". They areunder 5, you need a new strategy.



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