Home Front USA - What did your mother during the Second World War?
For most Americans on the home front during World War II, the war was a period of performance, and a moment of uncertainty. It 's also a time to get where many live on less in a land of plenty. Despite the extraordinary sacrifices endured by this generation, has made a special contribution to help win the war and write the peace.
January 1942, the Office of Price Administration, OPA to ration and supplies that are needed for the war has created.Twenty essential raw materials, sugar, rubber, meat has become strictly regulated. ration cards are distributed with the values given to each family. American women quickly learn to "pass." Careful planning is essential for the supply of food available is sufficient. wartime recipes are designed to stretch their home meals. Delicacies such as sausages and bean casserole a family favorite. assigned only 2 pounds of meat per person per week. With inflationarymarket prices and the scarcity of OPA sets limits on prices. Volunteers must visit the store owner for these characters. Without the containment of both the consumer and the store owner, inflation and black market could spiral out of control. With very little gas is available, the OPA must record 8 million car owners for gas rationing. Sacrifices of all Americans asked to be rationing gas, is the least popular. The drivers are ratings of "A""E." "A" holder "Pleasure Drivers" and "E" ticket holders or "emergency" drivers are lucky to have unlimited gas.
Victory Gardens
To compensate for the lack of food, the Ministry of Agriculture calls on Americans to plant vegetables. They are nicknamed "Victory Gardens." The War Food Administration began its campaign to encourage all Americans to grow, harvest, and share their generosity. Suddenly, Americans across the country grab their rakes and hoes and placein motion the largest voluntary movement in the country has ever known. Millions of small courtyards of the city and city to begin to sprout green roofs. Wherever there is a plot of land is a victory garden. Neighborhoods shares vacant lots, hours of work becomes a garden. Canning centers arose. At its peak, in 1944 more than 20 million Victory Gardens produced a phenomenal 8 million tons of food for more than half of the vegetables consumed in America. These extraordinary efforts allAmerican feel like they're making a personal blow against the Axis powers. In fact, they play an important role in the war to win.
Scrap Drives
To supplement the resources essential to the defense, the Americans are encouraged to examine their attics and garages for scrap metal, rubber and paper. Almost all consumer goods have a second life. food handlers, are encouraged, cooking fat, saving to do with explosives. Rubber is one of the more limited resources. comes the rescue truck,Americans are ready to discard your step will come in the manufacture of weapons. Children of all ages participate in the rescue units. It makes them feel like their contribution, and earn a penny per pound does not hurt! So eager are these young hunters to scrap the government struggles to handle the huge mass of materials to be collected. In fact, most of the materials collected but never used it does continue to maintain high morale on the home pagebefore.
The women are in employment
With around ten million men at war, a complete solution for the work that is both unexpected and clear - women! Across the full spectrum of race, class, economic and educational backgrounds, women take jobs, or even should have thought that a woman meet. The posters of women in overalls, key in hand, is a symbol of the new woman in 1940. "Rosie" is one ofenduring symbols of the war. With its powerful physical, perfect features and gender-bending person, "Rosie" encourages women to go to roll up their sleeves and work. Women's unique skills and precise attention to detail and often higher than those of their male colleagues. Other concerns are familiar problems of male and safety of future work. Despite the difficulties at home and at work, women by their patriotic best to answer. If you are motivated by propaganda, patriotism,economic benefits, independence, or the need to connect, the women work force never seen before rates. In July 1944, when the war reached its peak, 19 million women are employed. Without the contribution of women, America could not win the war.
The women in the armed forces
More men to fight for free, in May 1942 creating the WAAC's Congress-Women 's Auxiliary Army Corps. Some commanders are reluctant to accept women in their units by mid 1943, the demand for them far beyond theThe figures are available. These women, eager to play their role in the recruitment of volunteers for non-military tasks at home and abroad. The WAAC army are trained to pay, army uniforms, the discipline of the army and the army, but the jobs they perform are often those who claim that range from administrative tasks to an aircraft mechanic at the Aircraft Warning Service stations . In September 1942 The Women's Auxiliary ferry Squadron, WAFS, a division of the Army Air Force created. The originalMission for these commercial pilot license for light aircraft from the factory air fields in the ferry. But soon, these "Fly Girls" delivered fighters, bombers and transport planes for military bases. During the Second World War, more than 350,000 women wear military uniforms. That each military branch they serve, their contribution to the war effort, they deserve the respect they deserve.
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