Tuesday, November 2, 2010

U.S. labor law to immigrants

Housing non-citizens in your company can be difficult. Some employers look to hire foreigners or foreign workers, these workers will work better than U.S. citizens. Other bosses employ migrants in places that are dangerous, without providing adequate protection or training. There are also some companies, migrant workers should review, especially those who do not speak English very well, taking advantage of people who depend on these companiesSurvive.

The truth is that employers treat immigrants the same way they treat the citizens of the United States. Migrant and seasonal workers, agricultural workers Protection Act (MSPA) was adopted for migrant workers and seasonal agricultural workers, agricultural workers and to protect migrant housing suppliers. But some types of work, contractors and employees are exempt under certain circumstances. Employees are entitled to receive their state of writing in their jobsLanguage.

Employers are required, written payroll of migrant workers for three years or more down, with copies of each of the non-native workers. For farm work, the employer must certify that provided housing for seasonal workers comply with federal standards. Vehicles for transportation of migrant workers should also be used safely for transport.

If you're thinking of setting of migrant workers, agricultural or farm, here are some points toGiven:

1. If the migrants, a United States citizen? Is he or she have a green card? If the person is an illegal immigrant? Please be able to prove that all workers without proper documentation, he or she belongs in this country are deported if caught.

2. Are you ready for financial support through the use of migrant workers who are employed by your company to grow? Without working trial long-term or permanent, some foreigners asked to leave the country.

3. The migrantWorkers have a family? If so, can an adequate housing, sanitation and educational institutions access to family members? You can also do some type of insurance or benefits for the health check, in case someone gets sick or the woman has a child.

4. You can help migrant workers are acclimated to your community? This could include the introduction of other immigrants from their homeland, which they related to teaching English in a local high school or institution, and among them on a tourlocal institutions such as banks, schools and shops.

5. You have done a background check on your employees migrants? You may not want to hire someone with a criminal past, if so, the person will feel a new leaf.

6. Do not forget to discuss transport issues. Unless the migrant workers have a driving license and a car for them, but can be very dependent on public transport or have their medical visits, shopping centers and businessNeeds.

Contact the Federal Department of Labor to better understand the compliance regulations. In some cases, the Government help employers and workers. Although there may be benefits cultural, economic and social implications for the recruitment of migrant workers in your company, remember to put the welfare of staff, especially when your other hiring decisions.



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