Wednesday, November 3, 2010

International Job Search

In this tight job market, sometimes have no choice but to "take you where you find it." This article provides an overview of the worldwide market for immigrants "wage labor" in developing countries, isolated, and those at high risk.

There are three main types of work abroad:

1. Fixed-term contract as an expatriate.
2. Contract or permanent, with the goal of a citizen of this country.
3. Overseas assignment (secondment or transfer), while workerscompanies from home.

Work Permits

Most countries are limiting the number of foreigners allowed to work there, and change the rules for entry points. Before now looking for work to check on the Internet, what kind of skills are needed within the agencies are specialists in immigration and law firms on the permit or visas that allow you to live and work in the country you're in. Many of these interesting and Useful (free) can be consulted for advice its website.

What types of jobs are available?

There are a variety of jobs, especially in a good economic situation before. The recent global financial crisis dampened this view, but once again attract. Everything from the technical (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering) to (human resources, finance, education) and safety at work.

PRO: Why should I work abroad?

• We build a good experience to help you get a can> Jobs when you return home.
• Heritage In most cases it is very good, always in U.S. dollars.

CONS: What are the most important negative?

• Most jobs are in places where nobody wants to go - or very isolated, high-risk environments or World 3.
• It 'difficult to start a new life and career without a good support network, such as family and friends. Need mental and emotional strength - the loneliness and homesickness can cause impaired concentration, orDepression.
• Long distances and poor infrastructure means that the arrival and departure from home (for three-vacation) can be exhausting and frustrating.
• Cultural differences play a larger role than you might expect. It 'hard to make friends.
• The cost of living can be high - even if the employer accommodation, meals and extras can be provided can be exorbitant.

Client Feedback

"I was recently in Ghana to start a new contact and have some interest inAccra (the capital) this weekend. They have, Woolworths Shoprite / Checkers, Game Store, Mr Price clothing and pharmacies good, but everything is very expensive. A box of All Bran Flakes breakfast = 12.00 USD! "

What kind of salary they can earn?

In most cases, the contract contains Expat accommodation, meals and travel expenses (to your home country and return to the rotation holidays) on top of salary. Salaries range from U.S. $ 15,000.00 $ 3,500.00 - of course depending on theLocation.

What are the main criteria for applications overseas?

1. A qualification from a recognized tertiary institution or training.
2. health - full medical checks are required.
3. criminal record - you need a police certificate.
4. References play an important role ... they are aligned!
5. credit record check is done for the most senior positions and finance.

Useful tips CV

- Your resume must be 100% correct inworked on when businesses.
- If you are a senior professional with a lot of detailed information on your resume, have two documents - a 2-page resume sent, the first, and a detailed version that can be sent on request, if the agent you want Shortlist.
- Ensure that all international codes for phone numbers, including your referees. For international calls to South Africa, is this: +27-31-5723193 (Durban). It also includes the e-mail addresses forArbitrator.
- Connect your passport number, visa status (for example, if you have a work permit) and any other passports held in your CV.

Two good Web sites to try to set:

The international development / aid organizations:

Global Mining recruitment (full spectrum of techniques to admin):

How does the interview?

The first screening interview is often by telephone, if the consultantsanother country. Skype is used widely - there may be a good idea to open a free Skype account and invest in a webcam.

The second interview is with company officials, and when the finalists directly with management.

Customer feedback from Len Heynecke, HR manager for Boart Longyear, an American company. This work includes the management of HR operations in the West BL-English Africa (Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia). Len was previously HR Project ManagerBarrick Gold Mines in Tanzania.

"I've been actively looking for work for six months in 2010, and that experience was ... I applied for positions in the 100 and was in contact with more than 30 agencies - some of the worst I've dealt with in Johannesburg and London and some of the best in Australia, Cape Town and the U.S.. I have traveled more than 30 000 km for the interviews, crossed rivers, lakes and drove with a 4x4 vehicle was searched 18 times the body and had to packmore or less the same. "



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