Sunday, April 10, 2011

So what is the value in your career?

Some jobs require more affection than others. The affection is usually a private value, something you are among your loved ones. "So happy" family, but it helps some, if you do not worry about finding a job you have.

We all appreciate the health of more, but only if health is the same. In fact, health is generally underestimated. It 's something that is assumed to be at your side.

The feeling of achieving something very often, if notrequired to assess the same for all of us. It 's a choice, like so many other values ​​that you choose to support your development.

Some jobs or careers require a good support or inclination. Care "industry" is an example of this requirement. It 's impossible to imagine a health center - a hospital - where the staff are all competitive. Even a teacher can not develop if it is not worth a very useful approach.

If you want to influence people could choose almost anyCareer, even if the impact is achieved through communication and language, which limit the choice of career.

Collection of knowledge and understanding is something you can work in your value. This is also possible for almost all professions.

The mentor should be available for his ideas. This goes hand in hand with creativity. First, you need to create ideas, and must defend. Convince others that your idea is the best, as regards this issue.

StaffThe development is a value assigned to the collection of information and knowledge, but focused on your personal life. Knowledge gathering could be done in each area. The development staff did not really need a career. Anyone could develop further, even if not a career to help himself.

This is an overview of some values, you should think. What do you value in life and career which seems to support this best. It 's a question that should not be forgotten.



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