10 most common mistakes job search
Here is a list of 10 common mistakes job search a lot and you need to solve them.
Based on personal experiences and philosophies
Most job seekers based on their job search methods and techniques entirely on their own experiences. This will only serve to limit your options.
Think like a marketer. Marketing professionals do not design products to advertising their personal preferences, butyou try and use approaches that appeal to a wider audience. jobseekers should learn to do the same.
Its Too Close Minded
It is actually closely related to the number one reason here. Many of us have problems with reinforcement to do outside of our comfort zone and into new ways and / or alternative method of doing things. This position will serve only to limit our opportunities to work. Do not rely on your personal experiences and philosophies, rather than to study and explore alternativeMethods has opened new career opportunities for you.
With only one or two versions of Resume
set to maintain versions of one or two do not work. Do not rely on a sample of the curriculum. I have written extensively on this subject and my main message is that the reader of your resume "got in my head." The best proof of how your curriculum is adapted from the current language of the specific job action that can be answered.
If you provide a curriculumEmployers exploratory basis - if they can not be set a specific task - website to see their research, if a language, you will find information on areas of your specialty and use that. If you can not find information on the employer at the site in such cases, the most common language ad content 1-20 jobs, and are the most common words, phrases and ideas.
Relying too much about the Big Job Boards
There is no betterworksheets or the best executive job sites. - Only about 10% to 15% of all jobs are posted on the bulletin-time jobs than one. This is where the competition is more fierce.
This leaves 85% to 90% of all jobs is less visible. You must learn to find them. Even among the 85% - 90% of available jobs, some of them can only be set off anywhere in the employer's career sites. You mustExperienced by online search engines to use the work, most employers will find the Web pages from a single source.
The lack of research potential employers
The question is not why the potential employers to search for research potential employers. You have to research every potential employer who asks you to follow. One can see that he is, and almost always ask.
A good method to use to find something that interests you,the company, which will hopefully be your skills and interests to work. Be sure to take during an interview on the issue, and if you did not ask looking for a way to introduce the debate interview.
One way to do this is when it asks you if you have any questions. You can repeat what you read in summary form, and then ask them to get more information. This demonstrates the interest and desire to learn more.
OtherwiseAdequately prepare the actual interview
Preparing for a job interview tips can be invaluable. This point can be seen, there are three types of interviews, meetings, people seeking employment, the most common, and one must be prepared for each of them, or any combination thereof. One is the traditional, which usually follows the format of your resume.
The second type of interview behavior, and this has become very popular with many employers. It 's more difficult to preparefor this type of interview, in order to respond the best way to understand how behavioral interview questions.
The third type of interview is the case, interview in which both work on a real or hypothetical situation and asked to discuss with the team interview. These types of interviews are common for consultants, lawyers, but always at least a mini-application for housing these days is very common.
The failure to invest enough money for himself
With the advent of the Internetand all information easily accessible to us is the attitude that does not always have to pay for something. usually raises its ugly head for a job seeker looking for and do not hesitate to pay for expert advice and access to technology tools effectively to help us not only in our work, but in our careers.
Most people spend more food than they are willing to invest in their careers. You must be willing to invest in themselves, not onlyin the promotion of your training, but in a position to provide advice and careers.
Placing too much emphasis on content early
When the bed is limited to the last time, work to get the most, because you had your x number of money? It is likely that you feel this way very often.
Most of us like our jobs, because of what we do, what we can learn and where our career is among us. Of course we all want to be compensated in a fair and competitive. But do not be ready toExplore a career option, because the first question we ask is: "how much to pay?" is directed entirely wrong.
First, for the opportunity, both long-and short-term, so you know how we can or can not meet your career goals in the long term is simply shortsighted.
Not by a long-term career
This takes the above error. If you do not know what direction you want your career as head of a sailing ship in full sail, the crew without anyoneRowing. You'll end up right where the wind takes you.
You need to have a longer-term vision for your career, so that the decisions that will lead you along the path where you want to be the end.
Not open to new opportunities All the Time
Now you have a good job and your mind moves completely away from the job search. All in all, as it should, at some point.
When the headhunter calls or colleague you call a professional opportunity, theThe first words out of his mouth: "I'm not looking, or I'm happy where I am?" These two statements are true, but you should at least be open to consider or hear more. Even if time is not right for you to make changes at work or is not correct, open to open his colleagues suggest about who benefits from hearing.
Often the best opportunities come to you and compete without a lot of other candidates.
Otherwise, build networks for career 24 x7
This is crucial. Build your network constantly and consistently, so if you need information or professional advice, career or help with a job search, you must leave a network of value. It 's the concept of the ditch that long before you are thirsty.
LinkedIn is making the network more important. registered groups are relevant and contribute to the discussion. You are building your reputation on the road. It 's like the creation of a savings accountGoodwill in order to cash in on demand. Rule number one is to ask, first, before anything in return. For money in the bank "must be used if needed in a hurry.
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