Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hot jobs in the oil and gas

There are many vacancies for jobs in the oil and gas. Thousands of oil workers wanted to start working around the world in many places. Nowadays, you can search the web Jobs wanted throughout the world. I did a search and came up with this list of hot jobs in the oil and gas, the world also needs to be filled all.

Administration - project administrator, office administrator, administrative, administrator recruitmentReceptionist.

Design - Design pipelines, project managers, engineering managers, designers, mechanical engineer.

Drilling - drilling engineer, drilling, drilling foreman, tool handles, mud engineer.

Engineering - Production, oil reservoir and drilling engineers.

Environment - environmental, hydrologist, a toxicologist, environmental engineering, geochemistry.

Geology - biostratigraphically, geological, geophysical Petrophysicist specialistsedimentologist, seismic interpreters.

Health and safety - occupational health and safety coordinator, medical health officer, a specialist for occupational safety, service rig managers, nurses, doctor.

Communication and analysis - radio operator, Human Resource Manager, Financial Analyst, Business Analyst, Research Analyst

Logistics - Materials and logistics manager, project manager of logistics, logistics coordinator, logistics specialists, pipeline operators.

Maritime - Barge Engineer, BargeMaster, divers, marine cargo inspector, ROV pilot.

Science - biology, chemistry, metallurgy, laboratory assistant, oil field chemicals.

Trade jobs - electricians, mechanics, plumbers, pipe fitters, welders.

Other Jobs - Camp Chef, crane operators, deck officer, trolleys, Landman helicopter pilot, shift leader.

You can get gas a little help, if you look and apply for jobs in oil. Today, there are numerousWeb sites offering employment services. Some focus exclusively on jobs in the oil and gas, while others have a broader focus.

You buy one of these services if you are new to the oil industry. You can register for free usually on those pages. In return, you can receive only limited access to its database on job vacancies and an online resume web page with your information. Paying for a professional service you will receive full access as CVDistribution of oil companies, application updates, and more. You decide.



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