Friday, April 1, 2011

How to get a job in tough times

The current economic crisis is the creation of a viable economic situation, the supply of workers in the areas of weakness, much higher than the demand of thousands. Jobs in construction, real estate, finance, hospitality, media and law, only name a few tens of thousands have lost their living and it seems that bleeding will continue for at least a few months. career moves, if the source of the elections have become a necessity. Having said all that is now looking for workdo?

Since these are not normal times, it is important to consider extraordinary measures. If you follow your job lost in a field in options, is the loss of more essential. Here are some ideas that you are considering.


There are opportunities outside of town and although the amount of compensation seems to be lower, often the cost of living in the area are lower. In a segment today on CNN,listed among the top ten living in small towns and this is reflected in lower body not only costs but also high-quality education for children, good social opportunities, especially employment growth. If Plymouth, Minnesota (1) or Round Rock, Texas (7) does not appeal to you, perhaps, Irvine, California (4) or Franklin Township, NJ (5) could.

In late 1980, when I was in charge of a company executive recruitment during the downsizing of Wall Street, are inundated by a steady stream of applications.What struck me was that even in the face of declining job prospects in New York, most job seekers in New York sought only limited research and their rigorous standards of compensation. Although most of these people end their research needs changed to better reflect existing conditions, who had previously lost valuable time on competitors who are now much more realistic. In times of mass layoffs of employment in many industriesIt would be wise to cast the widest possible network


Is there a job or career you have always been fascinated, or have regrets about some way is not elected? If so, it might be time to explore those areas further. Rehabilitation for a new career can be a viable option, and sometimes preferable when there is a certain income or come in a large enough financial cushion available. This has the dual effect in a different career, to pursue the potentiallyhave a better future, while at the same time gives you some 'breathing, as the world works, some of its folds.

I would advise any changes can be concentrated on those areas where growth appears. The investigation of the sector still rent (eg health, education, software engineering) and would be ready for the growth of wages in order. I hope you find a match between your desires and reality.


A work in another field, the procedure requires similar skills would be another. Assess your skills, both fixed (the ability to have learned at school and work on) and soft (people, communication, leadership skills). the Department of Labor O * NET database of work to see how these skills could be in other careers. Action and creative thinking is essential for those seeking a career change. internally with the free, voluntary or commercialgain exposure to events of the club to a new group of people that some of the tools that you can use to penetrate new areas are. Effective networking is the key to any career change.

The non-profit sector could be an ideal place for your unique abilities. Non-profit seems to be a continuing need for certain skills and disciplines. This not only gives you some income, but would also be a continuity in their curriculum, making new friends and maybe even a sensegood.

Move On:

This is probably the most important step. There is some difficulty for people to let go, that the status of their past work gives her memory is disabled, then the job search of what was and is not intent on what. If you need some time status, your pain and then a few weeks looking for a break from work as a form of sabbaticals. If you are ready to help you refocus your skills more easily,Talents and interests and see where you can search your.

Looking for a job or a new career is never easy and at this time may be more difficult. Perseverance, creativity, preparation, research, and a positive attitude are the tools that you get at this time.



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