Monday, April 18, 2011

The psychology of job search

I found myself officially out of work and "in between" for the first time in 17 years. Five companies and multiple divisions of each but never on the street corner. Your first experience is part fear and part fantasy - the degree to which it based its weigh, I think, about what it will take you to the situation and what happened in the labor market at the time of the stand available.

So, I'm suggesting that at least part of the mental game that can be controlled asApproach the search process.

They are also right, are influenced by the way they are put back on the job market? Vs Being promoted by jumping down two very different points of cooking. Similarly, relying on their own, because the hatred is very different from your work to leave on your own easy to find a new industry. If you can be aware of your situation, you can remain aware of baggage to bring into the research process andin every interaction you have to be on the road.

For example, if you were laid off or fired, it is more likely to cause some problems with you in your first interview or discussion recruiter. If you bring more negative to explain how they are unemployed. When you click on your hard left, but you can take a laissez-faire in the process, especially early. Scenario, perhaps your sense of urgency to find a job in this isreduced and it is obvious and potentially damaging to your success.

How about if you work a certain number of months and have no prospects of really good? Want to start unprofessional act of desperation?

To be successful in the psychology of job search is necessary to have two basic things:

1. A strong and proactive approach to job search

2. A clear and confident about your situation

So, if only these two "Success factors" - obviously there's more - the level of preparation were related jobs?

Here are some scenarios:

Without a strategy

Their "hard work" and the correct frame of mind tends to move in time, to negative. As you move forward without a strategy (in hopes of finding something), your lack of structure will result in fewer interviews and more wasted effort. That in turn will have less confidence and question the ability to search for> Job.

Without a clear perspective

Even if you have a strong strategy, job search, no baggage to bring to your interviews, networking events or recruiters can prepare talks sabotage all your hard work. Even worse, a disease that can affect the larger network. Yes, people talk.

No strategy, no clear perspective

This formula is 12 months of trying, often in poorChoice (ie jump a bad choice), you can throw right back into the market.

So, as a clear head? If you were laid off or fired, you have no right to be angry and bitter? Maybe you have to do, but before starting the active search must be used to find a way to peace. If you need to get it off your chest, go buy a punching bag. If you need healing (a common need after a difficult start), there are several ways to do some time away or asome sessions with a career coach much consideration.



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