Monday, November 23, 2009

Roustabout Jobs - How to Get Hired as an Offshore Roustabout

Roustabout jobs are the entry-level jobs on oil rigs. On most platforms, you work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 to 3 weeks in a row. The work is backbreaking work as a roustabout and dirty - you do everything from cleaning and painting of the rig to the drilling fluid mixing, and even supplies and equipment moving around the oil rig. On the other hand, practically all of the questions begin on board the oil rig as a roustabout, so you have no right to complain.

ForEnglish speaking staff, there are three places to the people for roustabout jobs - Canada, USA and UK for rent. Alberta, Canada is still lower than that of humans, so it's easiest to get there set. Unless you are hard enough and show the right attitude, many companies will be willing to pay for all courses or certifications that are required to.

At the moment it is relatively easy to offshore roustabout jobs in the U.S., especially in the Gulf Coast. In some places it is asJust show up at the temp agency. As in Germany, many companies desperately need workers and are willing to pay for all training and certifications. As a rough guide, your employer will send your in offshore medical certificate, offshore survival certificate and underwater helicopter escape training certificate before you even get a foot on to the rig. After that will probably be a 2 or 3 week course Introductory course on your duties aboard the oil rig.

Residing in the United Kingdom haveit harder. Most employers want your BOSIET offshore survival training certificate, offshore medical certificate, and what the British call Green Hand show, of course. All in all, always taking all this you can again put 3500 pounds, depending on where this course, and there is no guarantee of a job. The offshore scene there is surprisingly small - you really need to know the right people . Most offers are from Aberdeen, so if you do not really live anywhere elseany chance at all. For new employees without connections, the ex-military personnel to break the easiest to British soldiers have received some kind of skills retraining, which helps them to offshore oil jobs. Frankly, based in the UK like that, in the oil industry breaks are better off looking for jobs in Alberta or the U.S. Gulf Coast states.

If you opt for roustabout jobs, remember, work experience, the manual work and mechanical work includes highlight. If you surviveTraining or something like that BOSIET or HUET certificates, mark these as well. Brag Note that Roustabout do much manual labor, not through your university degree or other advanced technical skills - the employer may qualify for your refusal to discuss. Some companies now want to show you that you have completed your high school education. Regardless of who you are working, it is often drug tests, pass, especially when something.

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