Saturday, November 7, 2009

Job Hunting - 3 Basic Marketing Principles

In my job search training, I may receive for job seekers, see themselves as marketers, with a focus on relationship marketing. The marketing basics are very simple, and I believe that all job seekers who follows these principles will significantly increase their employment opportunities. The three principles are;

(1) Do you know your products - you are the product, so make sure you know all about you. This would cover up to, specific skills, unique characteristics,Interests / hobbies and values. Their values are an integral part of who you are and work for an organization, in the case as they are constantly called into question, will only result in unhappiness and stress. Think Sheen in Wall Street and Charlie character!

You also need to distinguish your work goals in both the short and longer term. By defining your goals, you give more knowledge and awareness of a destination that is a good thing for your careerand also in a marketing sense, as employers to job seekers, which clearly and knowledgeably about what they want and where they will travel.

The last area you should check is your job, likes and dislikes. Make a list of jobs / areas of work that you do not like and then all these jobs, which would you like to do and could, even if it meant there are still some further qualifications.

It is said that it left more than 1,000 different jobs out there so no stonestone unturned in the review of all work. The Internet is handy for this. As an example, when I left the civil service 16 years ago, I held back on the search for spiritual / management positions and not outside my area of experience. One day I found a job as a consultant in employment in the disability field, what I would have never considered in my wildest dreams considered. I applied for the position and have never regretted.

Once you put together all the information abouteven then you need to combine them so that they make your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), which are running your message is delivered to the employer as a key strategy in your marketing campaign.

(2) know your market - you have knowledge of the market in. to apply for the work this requires to have research, which are advertised jobs, employer expectations, experience levels, specific qualifications and standard hours of operation.

This includes theValues I previously discussed. What ethics and values are present in a particular field of work? Teamwork is a big part of the work or you will be expected to work primarily on their own? What is the usual pay scale and how they pay their employees?

I immediately took a few weeks from my work in public service to try my hand in real estate. Soon I found myself in the public administration, as I realized that a new agent has to wait months, especially in real estate in the vicinity of decent moneycomes through, and you had to pay back to the small amount that the agency had the bank you rolling if your commission came through finally. I failed to do research to understand, as a broker, you are like an independent contractor to the agency and needed money in the bank or any other income coming in to help you get through the first 6 months. The other problem was that in the real estate company I worked for the agents were sharks and their morals were questionable,something that I had some problems have to do.

The time spent in research, especially if you want to change your career in itself be beneficial and will reduce any possible shocks to the system, as I encountered.

(3) Know how to reach that market - This refers to the different marketing strategies you need to effect. This is to cover; cold acquisition methods, including the targeted networking, telephone and general), face to face, acquisition, marketing flyers (specific jobs, cover letter, resume andthe interview.

The market, which you are seeking will be sought. I'm from the school of thought that believes that the creation of own job is the best way to operate. This is due to the direct experience that I qualify for certain employers and marketing for a job on behalf of job seekers with a disability.

Again, I've found out from my experience that the best way to reach your market is not by sending marketing materials,Applications or e-mail. The best way to reach your market is to build relationships with people at specific companies - talk with people who work there, first over the telephone, but followed through to a meeting face to face. If they can actually be done your job, you in the company you want to work with no competition to obtain.

In summary: If you are a marketer, rather than a job seeker automatically your job search approach is adifferent perspective to note a number of principles that if applied correctly it will give you the best opportunity to get the job you really want.

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