Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Job Search Woes? Use a Lifeline

Imagine a candidate in the popular game show "Who to Be a Millionaire", was at the center, blinded by headlights is tied with random questions pummeled obscene sums of money, all while running the timer. Sound stress? It is - the competition is fierce, the stakes are high and time is running out.

It sounds very similar job, right? Dismissed in the middle of the stage, with bills mounting, the clock is ticking and you have no idea where to turn.Show how the participants in the game, there is only one to do. Ask for a lifeline.

A smart job seekers not only this. Below you see the mass e-mail that he sent out to tap into his lifeline, and the many ways to imagine how this will work for you.

Dear friend,

"Think of the" lifelines "that expands to Regis Philbin, to the participants of" Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? "One of them was" the audience to ask, "Strategy has been shown to work 95% of the time. Therefore, II turn to you as my specialist audience and asked for a lifeline.

How you can help:

I would like to e-mail twice a week and share with you what companies and positions I am currently pursuing.
If you have an insight into the company, or - more importantly - if you know anyone in this business that you would be willing to me via e-mail you can respond to introduce.
If you have 'nothing' to delete one of the two, just my e-mail. No answer required.

That's pretty muchit. I am reaching out to so that you can help me reach out to others.

And do not worry, if you prefer to live no longer list for any reason, please let me know and I will remove your name, no questions asked.

Thank you in advance for your help in my search. "

Wow - that's the power of networking is. And also you can use to find the same performance in your job.

Collect the names of your contacts, create a lifeline, regularly sendsUpdates and network with key decision-makers more than you ever thought possible.

You can not become a millionaire, but you will be rich in relationships, and that the key to success in the job search game.

Job job job


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