Friday, November 27, 2009

Job Search - Find help or seek help?

Do You Want to Help or Do You Want To Help?

Have you ever question yourself about your motives for seeking employment? Do you want more than just a job? "Are you presenting himself as someone who can help? Or do you just want to present himself as someone who needed that help?

What does your resume say? Is there crying in your resume than to help someone in need? Or is it to scream, as someone who wants to help? If you do not answer a resounding "yes" to the latterQuestion: Do you have a problem! You must now help in your resume and interviews as someone who can help and who wants to. If you can not, then you are really not help, well, why should a potential employer hire you? What's in it for them?

Show Recruiters and hiring managers how you can help

Here are ways you present yourself as someone who can help, too. Here are words that are, if properly used and shown, show your ability toHelp:

A problem solver, or the situation
A visionary
A guide
A team of builder

Your resume can not just have these words, it must be short vignettes that show where you used these properties to benefit an organization. Your resume should tell a story of achievement and success, and ideally there should be a history of increasing power and success.

Do you need your resume Tell Your Story

TheHistory tells your resume should ask the reader to leave additional information. You can not tell the whole story or the reader the feeling that is not necessary anymore. They are to believe the resume, they have all learned that they need to know, obviously not the desired result. Remember that facts that (you will see in most re-telling), but to sell stories. Stories have the added advantage of demonstrating what you've done and leave the reader to project, what you can dothem.

Can your readers see how you will add to the organization?

If your reader is able to project what you can do, and it reflects what the organization needs to do, you've reached your goal and an interview was forthcoming. If the reader projects, what you can do, and there is no match, then you will not waste any more time.

If what the reader projects not in line with what you can do, then there is a disconnect with your story andhopefully you will be able to ascertain this. That will be a difficult task but if you have the necessary networking connections within the organization you may be able to get the information you desire and need so you can make the necessary changes.

John F. Kennedy put it best when he said "It is not what your Country can do for you; it is what can you do for your Country." For a job seeker I want to paraphrase President Kennedy a bit: it is not what your prospective company can do for you, it's what you can do for their future society.

Happy job hunting and let me know what I can do for you!

Job job job


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