Sunday, November 29, 2009

Job Interviews - 101 Common Mistakes to Avoid

You have found a great job opportunity. You have the necessary skills and experience. Everything is going according to plan, but for some reason you are not selected. What happened? It is probable that you committed an interview mistakes. Most hiring managers are willing to let go one or two small things. However, if you commit to make more of the common interview mistakes, you will never be the short list.

We interviewed personnel managers, recruiters and job seekers to identify the most common mistakes made by applicants. We deliberately did not rank the list of offenses interview, because their effects vary greatly depending on the attitude of the interviewer. As the list below, which presents some obvious errors) is also common sense (and humorous. Some errors are only valid for one sex, but there is much to be avoided.

We recommend that you check our list and a personal checklist for your own, on the basis of> Working, the company and their experiences of the past. Before each interview look at the list again. In this way you will be conditioned on your behavior and reactions. After each interview, debrief as soon as possible. Go through the list, the review of the points that have been mistreated.

Avoided by carefully crafting your answers, and interview mistakes, your confidence and your job campaign will dramatically improve.

101 Job InterviewError:
Late in the interview (and do not advise calling the interviewer)
Bring food and drinks in the conversation
The wearing of large medals, necklaces and colorful jewelry
Smell of smoke
Referring to a member of staff in some way derogatory or suggestive
Using foul language
Forget to bring additional applications
Taking liberties with ex Interviewer: Combating name
Leaving your phone switched on (and answers)
Wearing a shirt buttoned up the front;Sleeves rolled up
Bad mouthing your past supervisors or employers
Dressing very casual or overdressing - just conservative always works
Otherwise, send a thank you note after interview
Wearing shorts, T-shirts disks, sneakers, baseball cap, blue jeans
Hair disheveled or uncared for
Chewing gum
Wearing a tie or shirt with patches
Messed-up clothing bad press
Tracking dirt, snow, rain, etc., in the office
Showing off tattoos
With dirty or worn out shoes
PuttingBriefcase or purse on the interviewer's desk
Poor posture when sitting, slouching
Otherwise, the firm handshake type
Making derogatory statements about gender, race or age
Body odor, bad breath
Too much perfume or aftershave Cologne
Shuffling papers and notes during the interview
Failure of the critical day to get reference material, names, addresses, etc.
Otherwise, names and titles or bus tickets of the respondents receive
Otherwise, to be confirmed for all of the organization Ex:Receptionist, assistants, etc.
Suppose that one or more of the employees are not influential in hiring decisions
Interrupting the reception or other staff with frivolous conversation
Laughing out during the interview
Telling jokes during the interview
Otherwise, thank the interviewer and to express interest in the position
Otherwise, to ask their interest - how do you fit - the next step
To ask who else is applying - what their names
Answer: "I have already answered,Question "
Losing temper or argument with the interviewer
Asking detailed questions about salary first interview
Focusing on medical benefits and sick time during the first talks
No answer for "What kind of position you are looking for job .. What are your goals?"
Fidget - fool with hair and hands, ankles crack
Recording and fuss with things on the interviewer's desk
Asking personal questions of the interviewer
Back and forth to answer
Failureto answer a question - Standstill - ignoring a question
Otherwise, be prepared for the most frequently asked questions
The question of vacation and comp time at the beginning
Ask for flex time if there is a routine and expected part of the work
Coming to interview sick
Bring a friend or family together (including the waiting area)
Directed by the interviewer - "You should do this or that ..."
Otherwise, to smile and show enthusiasm
Walking on, rather than a clear concise answer
ReplyQuestions with irrelevant information
Exaggerate abilities and achievements
Otherwise, hold eye contact
As if you, the obvious choice, or already have the task of
His rejection of the HR staff and their function
Offering an excuse or qualification games before a response
Otherwise, do research, ask questions that you should already know the answers to
Show your knowledge about the company, with products of common knowledge
Which means you are worthy of a promotionBefore you begin
Otherwise, will ensure capability with concrete examples
As a philosopher: Focus instead on the actual value adding skills
Unprepared for difficult questions about the past mistakes, problems, cancellations, etc.
Interrupt the interviewer
With threats - "If I did not get the job ....."
An important word mispronounced or Name
Failure to comply with the interviewer in their name during the conversation Address
Otherwise, to overcome negativeObservations or conclusions from the interviewer
Say money is no object
Ask for something to eat or drink
Questions: "When I can throw my review and how often you have to give"
Failure to follow the interviewer: If all the business will be, then all the shops etc.
Holding hostage interviewer know: when the interview is over
Otherwise, to find out the next step in the process
Focusing and commenting on the office insignia, title, size, and office
Declare what you do not door do not do
Making references to the labor law and labor regulations
Discuss issues with interviewers
Emphasizing your medical conditions
As bad Applicants: Employers are not interested in selling primarily in their needs
Talking to the interview which means are superior to your skills and experience
Statement: "You do not know, probably because of your age or lack of experience but ..."
Otherwise, your personal voice mail, a professional response to change
Cross your legs do notor ankle during the interview
Otherwise, family and roommate of the possible calls from prospective employers warn
Conducting telephone interviews in noisy environments or with interruptions
In other employers by phone or e-mail to communicate with potential employers
Forget critical information - Who are you interview? Time Address
Referring to potential employers on social networks and blogs
Not give detailed instructions to your
SMS agothe interviewer or other staff
Questions in order to use the telephone for routine matters
Talk about politics or controversial events related to politics, religion, etc.
Provides information about personal life is not required by the interviewer

Copyright 2009 T Collins Group LLC

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