Friday, November 20, 2009

Job Search Tips - What is the No. 1 obstacle to any job search?


The Job Seeker

Ouch. I know it's exactly what job-seekers do not want to hear, right? Instead, want to believe that you are doing the right things that you've invested your time and resources wisely. Instead, to hear that the reason you have not landed in the situation because we want is in difficult economic times is that the holidays are approaching, and that included the recruiter or writers you worked again, now with not just theHype.

Yes, it's true that we are in difficult economic times, and yes, it is also true that the holidays slow things a bit. And, of course, recruiters and re-writers play an important role in finding a job.

But who ever running this ship? The economy, the time of the year, the recruiter, start the writer again, or you?

Well, if you want to be successful, it would be better for you! And you have a game plan better.

Listen, the job searchNegotiation process is nothing other than a sale. Begin to think so because, like a ...

• Identify market strengths / weaknesses and develop a strategy for their use to your advantage.
• know how much time you have and where to spend.
• Enter on a niche market. The more concentrated the better.
• Follow up and follow-through. Many jobs are lost for this reason.
• Stop spending so much time on the internet and off you go!

And whatever you do, stop sorry for you! So if you hear even the fault of the economy or the government or whatever else seems in the way, stop it!

The salesperson who comes to compassion for themselves or spit bitterness is rarely successful.

I have found in years of leadership by the job marshlands, and there is only one obstacle that we have found that we do not have to overcome: the job, the inability to control hisSearch.

We struggled through job-search coaching. We have desperately tried to follow the people to our no-nonsense approach (as we know it works!). But for some reason to think like job seekers if they are just throwing their resumes, talk to a recruiter or two, or a phone call here and there, then they can sit back and simply wait for something to happen.

I sincerely hope that the people are on stage like this on theirJobs!

Ask a salesperson or small business owner. We would not have much success if we just waited for the opportunity to roll in. A phone call, post a resume, an interview with a recruiter ... those are all good starts, but they are hardly much of a job search.

If you know that most job seekers do not even know how much time they devote to have every week, let alone every day to a search?

But when the 40-day mark hits and they still do nothave an offer to do the job for what? Go all the blame.

C'mon! Cut that out. Put together a plan and set the right expectations today!

Get armed. Get ready. And go!

Job job job


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