New trends in care work
The nursing profession has undergone enormous changes over the past five decades. In this changing environment, it is important to study employment trends in nursing, in order to determine a career path to success.
Today, the demand for nurses or RNA is significantly increased due to two factors. First, relatively fresh out of the entry in the years since the end of the last century, along with the retirement of existing nurses to a lack of trainingNursing. Secondly, there is an increasing range of nursing functions that increase the number of older people through improved health systems and the creation of community-based prevention projects.
According to the Federal Office of Health Professions, "In 2000, the domestic supply of nurses FTE estimated at 1.89 million euro, while the demand was projected at 2 million €, a shortage of 110,000 or 6 percent. In what is known from the trend in the supply of nurses andtheir demand is expected to grow, lack the relatively slow until 2010, when it reached 12 percent "are -. chart1
There is clearly a time for those interested in nursing to join, and already working as qualified nurses to consider specialization. fee hikes in the health sector in recent years is a good incentive, although the number of nurses is still in existencebehind demand. Some of the trends in care jobs, a reflection can be worth paying both good and challenging.
Becoming a travel nurse has long been a popular choice for some travel agents began to work with nurses in order to provide for the temporary shortage in some areas. It combines the advantages of free travel in a new place to see and enjoy free accommodation and other benefits are combined. This offers the possibility of adding a leaderHospital to continue her. The staff nurses in magnet hospitals is also a good option. They include nurses in the decisions that the patient and the working environment and allow participation in governance structures in common.
Following a natural disaster like Katrina, it was immediately perceived need for someone to combine the clinical skills to be able to information technology. The need for electronic health record has been highlighted following the devastation leftbehind by the hurricane. This is the responsibility of the nurse who can informaticists a niche in various areas, including companies that hire them for positions in research, development and distribution available, as demonstrated by the ability of products to the customer. They may, in courses of instruction and training in science or as a systems analyst, or information in the field hospitals.
There is also a growing demand for Acute Care Nurse Practitioners (ACNPs) that are in critical situationswhere patients have problems with advanced acute or chronic. They are usually found in the ICU (ITS), but also to work on other areas such as pediatrics, psychiatry and anesthesia. The medical history and physical examination plan and direct treatment and testing.
Another option for ACNPs may be related to genetic nursing. The mapping of the human genome means that the importance of genes and genetic medicine, in particular,The conditions can not be ignored, and there is a need for nurses trained to simplify the geneticist, prognosis and interpret test results for patients and their families. Those nurses working in regional networks, genetics, specialty chemicals, genetic laboratories and help in the areas of training, counseling and testing.
Modern medicine requires special equipment and places in the body of the patient for a long-term venous access, especially during chemotherapy or antibiotic therapies. The nurses this infusionsuccessful and are usually on call in various hospitals.
End-of-life care is another trend that is interested in hospice and palliative care has renewed, and it is increasingly likely that the demand of an aging population and a national consciousness to experience a dignified death. Even in a post 9 / 11, where the threat of bioterrorism looms large in public health is seeing an increase in investment.
In an era of technological progress, improving the chancesin health professions and better incentives than ever, the practice of nursing is to become more popular, and the increasing demands in the care of comfort, knowledge and support.

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