Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Nursing Jobs - The top three highest paying nursing jobs

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are over 2.5 million nurses practicing in the country, for a total of nurses, the largest workforce in the health sector. In nursing, there are many different career opportunities and types of nursing jobs available. For many nurses, job security and compensation level of influence are very important aspects of their decision as to what care work or careerto follow. Because the cure can be a very difficult and demanding task, it helps, you pay a lot, that all your efforts and Landau Scrubs Free Shipping, in the end it's worth it. Who has access to the nursing profession (recent graduates or less than one year of experience), the need to start at entry level, but after some years of experience you can pay your highest goals of the employment and advance your attention.

Role requires a highly paid careTraining and education to other types of nursing roles in comparison. The first three highest jobs to care for a fee (not including levels of supervisory and management board) are advanced nursing practice or clinic.

Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNA)

Receiving one of the highest wages in the sector deserves a nurse anesthetist nursing an average of over $ 100,000 a year. At ACC, you have to take further studies in addition to the nursing degree. If youalready a professional nurse, you must have a bachelor's degree program and pass an exit exam to become a nurse anesthetist license. One of the most important tasks of a nurse anesthetist provides anesthesia during surgery and is working with an anesthesiologist. This is an ideal choice for those who are less prone to patient interaction (because patients are unaware of most of the time) and are interested in more technical skills or surgery are. This role requires an impersonalUnlike most of the duties of care as it is likely that you will not see the patient twice in the same surgical field.

Nurse Practitioner (NP)

A nurse usually works under the supervision of a licensed physician and manages mid-level patient care. PN are usually entitled and qualified to do some minor procedures and tests, as required by regulation by the state. Some states allow PN to practice independent of physicians, while some Stateslegally require the NP to practice under supervision. Those who are allowed to work independently, are perhaps prescribe medication and provide primary health care. The salaries of the NP may vary from state to state, but approach the same level of CRNAs. Unlike CRNAs, NPS patient care directly, and often build a long term relationship with patients.

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)

A clinical nurse specialist assists in specialized research institutes, advocacy, education, and even management. This is an advancedPractice that a Master of Science in Nursing and a certificate for each CNS region of interest (eg oncology, psychiatry, cardiology, etc) are required. This type of work is ideal for those who tilt to scientific activity as a commitment requires rigorous research, critical thinking, data collection and other academics. The average salary for the CNS is $ 70,000 - $ 80,000 a year, but a little 'more than $ 90,000 with experience method.



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