Sunday, February 20, 2011

Five things to consider before accepting a job copier sales

In a previous article I told you all the wonderful reasons why you should have a career as an Account Executive in the copier. So far, one might think that there are disadvantages to a career in selling copier. But you must be wrong. Let me play devil's advocate and provide you with the following limitations:

1. There is not much social status given to a copier sales person. The reactions were somewhere between a representative of used car salesman and telecommunications.Your friends will not believe your job is cool. But it's okay if they eat Top Ramen for dinner, you can roll-up found in your brand new BMW and offer them for dinner and the bill, as it has the financial stability that eludes your friends probably has three years reached a College degree.

2. The work is hard. Very, very difficult. But not for the reasons you think. The combination of a lot of freedom, together with the absoluteThe need for a disciplined way of thinking can be a dangerous combination for most people. I knew a manager say, "we'll give you just enough rope to hang himself here" used. This meant that no one is watching every move, but when it manifests in poor sales performance, you do not have enough time to improve the situation before the company will show you the door.

3. You must be able to survive on a meager salary for at least six months to two years, until theCommissions roll in most of the basic salary in this sector are $ 20,000 - $ 30,000 plus benefits.

4. You could seriously take two years for a zone that is generated rewarded with a total compensation of $ 60,000 - $ 80,000 a year. This content requires that you're really good at what you do and are at least 100% of annual sales. This brings us to our final point:

5. The company could not give two years to get them all together. Usually after the first yearfor sale if you are not 100% annual turnover rate of your Sales Manager "free will to carry out other opportunities." In other words, "You're fired!" We try to deal with, sales did not vote for your goal is your minimum requirement. In reality, it is expected to exceed the annual sales.

Overall, the equipment industry copy more advantages than disadvantages. If you are ambitious, energetic and have a capacity of more people andExceptional communication skills, which could only career for you.



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