Thursday, September 2, 2010

Oil sands in Canada for a number of crude oil imports of U.S.

Who will be encouraged by the news this week that the oil sands of northern Alberta in Canada could account for nearly half of U.S. imports of crude oil in 2030, focused on looking for some good news in these times of economic uncertainty and international tensions. This is obviously good news for the U.S. economy and both sides of the US-Canada border, and improving energy security of the United States.

and oil jobs-career oil in abundance

Now can not provideTypes of jobs offshore oil that you can see, for example, advertising in the Gulf of Mexico, a report on the last great wave of oil sands Canadian exports to the United States certainly promises a series of oil and related occupations Employment in oil. A search of IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates indicates that in 2010 imports from oil sands in Canada vast reserves of sands (or oil sands) is the number one U.S. oil imports are. The report goes on to predictthat by 2030, imports of oil sands could arise as 20-36% of U.S. oil imports dropped and refined products. This is a huge leap from one level of just under 8% in real terms in 2009 and represents 3.1 to 5.7 mbd mbd in 2030.

The new extension and use of resources, as second only to Saudi Arabia in size are inevitably require huge new investments in oil industry infrastructure and know-how. Research and development of new extractionThe methods are also of paramount importance, especially in view of the special challenges involved in the production of a "serious form of crude oil trapped in sand is very liquid, so moving to pipelines ready for refining into gasoline and other hydrocarbon products involved . The investment is guaranteed to be substantial. For example, ConocoPhillips is committed to 500 million suns somewhere between $ 300 and $ in the next five years in technology and in addressing the environmental problemsassociated with the extraction.

Global oil supply security and economic

Ensuring secure and affordable is a challenge increasingly difficult these days, as rapidly developing as India, China and Brazil are competing for resources to meet its rapidly growing energy needs. The exploitation of oil sands is twofold advantage in North America. The United States will have a fast and secure easy access to huge amounts of new power. This does notonly guarantee for the security of national energy needs for years to come up with a politically stable and friendly neighbor, but there are also large economic impact, both in Canada and the United States.
In Canada, the Canadian Energy Research Institute predicts that by 2020 the $ 100billion invested in the Oil Sands development, an increase of GDP of 885 billion dollars, 6.6 million years of additional employment-person and up to $ 123billion in revenue of was inspired. United StatesThe economy is to receive an amount of about 10,000 new construction jobs and another 500 full-time positions after the refinery after the API (American Petroleum Institute), refineries and expansions create a new set of career opportunities -oil.



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