Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Flight Attendant Jobs: Who is the setting

The news for U.S. legacy airlines continue to deteriorate. Northwest and Delta recently filed bankruptcy, while others are closer to bankruptcy. Finding a job with one of these carriers is difficult, especially if you are looking for a career as a flight attendant. However, there are few jobs with airlines, if you know where. Let's take a look at some airlines, flight attendants may be employed in the next 1-2 years.

the traditional airlinesbelong to the Americans, are Delta, Northwest, United, Continental and USAirways is probably not good places for finding stable employment. Previously, in 2005, Continental was hiring flight attendants, but the labor market for traditional carriers remain negative for the most part. United remains in bankruptcy and insolvency USAirways recently left, and together with America West Airlines.

On the other hand, the following discounts, charter and regional airlines have taken all the flight attendantsrecently or intend to do for next year:

AirTran Airways *

* Air Wisconsin Airlines

* Alaska Airlines / Horizon Airlines

* Champion Air

* Chautauqua Airlines

* Colgan Air

* Comair

* EOS Airlines

* Falcon Air Express

Frontier Airlines *

Airlines Independence *

* JetBlue Airways

* Maxjet Airlines

* Group of Mesa

* Mesabi Airlines

* Air Miami

* North American Airlines

*Omni Air International

* Piedmont Airlines

Pinnacle Airlines

* Shuttle America

* SkyWest Airlines

* South West Airlines

Spirit Airlines *

* Trans States Airlines

* U.S. Airways

* USA3000 Airlines

* Italy Express

* Virgin America [Pending FAA approval to fly]

World Airways *

worksheets are available for airlines to take a popular, interview and hire new staff. Check the website of each companydetailed information on upcoming events or visit an aviation agreement Employment Aviation Job Board as the Board for the latest vacancies. recruitment plans may change at any time, so be sure to collect the information will be reviewed by the air carrier directly.

Web sites dedicated assistant to provide more information on becoming a flight are legion on the Internet. Some of the best sites are:


Flight CompanyRoom Attendant () MSN Group

If you are looking for a career as a private flight attendant, Corporate Flight Attendant Community http://www.corporateflyer.net is the complete resource center provides informative articles, useful links, training information, job listings, and a active message board: http://www.corporateflyer.net



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