Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The E3 visa application and job seekers in the U.S.

This is a step by step guide on how to live and work in the U.S. on E3 visa is available to the Australian people.

Step 1: Find an employer

The problem is that finding an employer willing to assume the U.S. is leaving your sponsor visas E3. The barrier to entry for this is less of least H-1B visa, which connected at particular times of the year, it has cause a very competitive fixed rate and high costs. But most employers do not hire someonewithout at least one face to face interview, so there are costs could be for you to achieve your goal. They can be transferred by Visa as the J1 visa F1 student visa and work experience.

Step 2: apply for jobs

Many people in the United States for approval as described above and the J1 visa F1 visa as a stepping stone came to the U.S. to work with them time to establish contacts and to attend the talks while under legal status. But many people do, they do things likeapply for jobs on Australia and then fly to the United States and as many interviews as they can. Some good tips are common to a U.S. phone number your application (eg Skype) try and have a U.S. shipping address, if possible, and ask the status of a visa for her resume, which explain to a potential employer . Make sure you understand the employment and the provision of specialty Bachelor.

Step 3: E3 visa application

Once an employer has committed to hiresponsor and the visa they need to form E3 ETA-9035 (e) file with the U.S. Department of Labor. This is so that they receive a laboratory approved Labor state application (LCA). This is a free program and can be done online. In essence, this form includes details on the type of work, the nature of the company, a little to the candidate (ie you) and pay. Would this document with a letter of offer from the company's U.S. consulate in your interview for E3Visa.

Step 4: U.S. Consulate Interview

It should demonstrate as many documents as possible, including bank statements, property, good copy and proof of your qualifications Any securities that may be relevant, their role, etc. One of the things you need to do is to remain in the foreign state . This is essentially the test for the United States that your relations with Australia are strong and that means going home at the end of your E3 visa period. The more you prepareFor this, the easier and faster and less it tends to be disturbed.



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