Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to get a job without experience - they sell it as if you were a seller

It 's easier to find work than you think. You do not need experience, just think, maybe it's just your excuse for your job search is not going very well - no one hire me because I was not all relevant work experience. Bad excuse!

Back when I finished school for the first time I have no experience with. I did what everyone else did - I sent in response to ads in the classified ads. That did not work. Then I got creative.I was specifically looking for a sales job, because that's what I thought I would. I thought, what they are looking to recruit a sales manager is a seller? I knew the answer. A sales manager wants someone who can sell. How can I prove that I could not really sell a success story? I could see him.

Here's what I did. I was a job selling copiers B2B targeting. I took a couple of occasions and called on those responsible for the sales offices. Ido not call to ask) for a job (not at first. I called the Director of Sales (Cold Call) shall be presumed, an office cleaner and tried to sell my services. really was not an office cleaner. I played a role. I was so. I wanted to be able to show only my sales skills. It worked! The sales managers were impressed. I soon had a handful of job offers to choose from.

Of course, your sales skills will be presented with a fake call cold does not help you otherwiseas a sales office work, but it's not the point. The point is that being creative, no matter what kind of job you're looking for. Only one way to find your special knowledge, without actually doing what everyone does when looking for a job (sending dozens of applications, while hoping for a recall). It works!



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