Sunday, September 26, 2010

Key to a successful job interview

The purpose of this article is the most common mistakes applicants will be decided. Although most of these items seem common sense, professional staff are often witness to these traps. For more information, visit our curriculum and training of applications and services on one of the largest shipyards in Canada, USA and UK.

Before First, turn off the phone in an interview. A cell phone rings does not impress an interviewer. With confidence now onCell phones, forget to turn in our experience about 1 in 5 candidates, their cell phones during an interview.

According Recite your resume and cover letter is something that is common, but should be avoided. The interview is your chance to study these documents and discuss your qualifications.

Third Murmuring is another common mistake, which can often be corrected with ease. Some candidates are mumbling, quiet, or perhaps a slight accent. Do not forget to mentionand speak clearly, if one interviews are ongoing.

A useful exercise to hone interview skills, using role play. Find someone who is willing to ask some questions of the interview role play with you and them, is to provide feedback. For your convenience, we have a mock interview exercise that simulates a real interview and provides tools for classifying ways to improve and demonstrate clear response pattern. You can also increase this year with the use of an audio / videoTool.

Fourth About the answer to one of the most common and easily correctable mistakes. About the answer to one of the largest pet Peeves is among the interviewer circles. Knowing when to stop. The interviewer can signal the body language of the applicant if it is to stop responding properly. These signals are just looking for distance, supported by the applicant and shift their positions often during your answer. If any of these signs is the next interview, askhimself, "I answered the question?" and act accordingly. Try to see your response to timing the length of your answer. On average, most people take between 5-7 minutes to answer, beyond the attention span of most interviewers.

Fifth Avoid negative. While your former employer and a tyrant may have been difficult for the work, does not speak to your advantage to be negative about past work experience.



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