Publicist offers quick tips for Job - Seeking Journalists Caught in a Lay - Off Frenzy
Job prospects for the nation in the newspapers every day is getting darker. Well respected icons like the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times, the owners declared bankruptcy, Gannett has suffered massive redundancies and newspapers continue to lose ground in competition for the advertising and television and especially the Internet.
In conversations with my many contacts with the media, I suggest you be prepared for the worst and be proactive while working. When a journalist, writerno job or fired late editor of one of the most important assets who want to use the new is to find their PR contacts. Yes, yes, the same people who send press releases may be able to help you find a new job or freelance concert.
The journalists face on a regular basis may be better able to help and want help. As new jobs, I have to say, journalism jobs are few and therefore does not excludeComing to the "dark side" by a journalist or ... Not so bad! Keep an open mind for some self-employment or a career change to marketing, corporate communications or web content. In every job search, networking is probably the most important activity you can do.
Since the seat is not always Telegraph plans layoffs under way, one of the first things I want to do is be prepared for this possibility with the collection of all my phone contactsNumbers to store e-mail and postal addresses and bring them to a CD or memory stick to take home. If this is not possible to send an e-mail to a different address. Why be paranoid? I've heard of cases where the boss announces the dismissal hearing, told reporters have come with my hand on their Blackberrys and mobile phones on the spot and then blocked by the computer with time to obtain the information.
Then, if that pink slip comes, you have the most andable to reach each contact. Let them know you are looking for a new job and exchange of information about the work they are. If e-mail to send an updated CV. Do not be shy to ask for help and tell them they were fired off, or otherwise. Do not keep the secret. There is no shame in losing their jobs these days, especially between the economic situation we are crazy right now.
After the bad news is, make sure you or your ex announcedBOSS is an auto-responder on your e-mail if and when people send an automatic reply stating that there is not because so and so or whatever you substitute for personal matters and that you at this number or e- mail will be achieved.
Why do I have time, dealing with media of all people, I often have a lot of journalists, publishers, writers and photographers, the job lost. Often, the newspaper retains the e-mail for months in the life and someone else's e-mail response.Some media even think about a reporter's phone and email go and someone else has checked at regular intervals. Not all dismissals are carried out in daylight and as a result we Have not always immediately publicists to hear about it.
Over the years, I have some resources to help them put together in our business who are happy to offer help now. And 'the least I can do:
PR Newswire is' a great resource and the local office can tell from a local company or PR firm looking for employees. TheNumber is: 800 - 697-9712
PRSA - Public Relations Society of America have a section on "Job Center, you can post your resume.
Society of Professional Journalists / Check out jobbank.asp his bank job for members only. It may be worth the annual membership fees are. There are some free resources that can help. journalism jobs allows the website to search for Journalism and PublicRelationship jobs in the U.S. is dedicated to providing global PR professionals with strategic career resources and information.
A website dedicated freelance designers, illustrators, writers, editors and photographers. A great way to get Freelance writing jobs.
Editor & Publisher the latest job listings by Editor & Publisher magazine.
This site has a Newslink.orgsearchable list of all media from newspapers and magazines to radio and TV all in one city, town or membership-based news. Media Bistro This is one of my favorite websites. It keeps tabs on everything in the media. Has job opportunities in magazines, television, radio, newspapers, publishing houses, online media, advertising, PR and graphic design. I read every day.
HARO A free service for journalists seekingExperts. ProfNet similar. I suggest you look at the 3 + day-time feeds to see what is happening in the world and can identify opportunities. I devour each of these emails themselves.
RTNDA Radio-Television News Directors Association jobs for TV and radio people and offers a wealth of resources for job seekers. Finding a job is free.
The labor market today is vital to job seekers use the Internet as part of theiroverall strategy. Make a list of career advice and go do it Every day, in search of work. Better yet, sign up for daily e-mail notification. Go to the website of the company you want to work and find a job page performance. You can also monitor companies want to subscribe to Google Alerts on specific issues, they want to follow you or for the names of companies you want to keep tabs on the track also .
There are also some general job satisfaction, banks can useto find the locations of public relations for the implementation of electronic searches. You may know, many of them, but some of the best,, America's Job Bank on and you can find wage and labor camps require information for public relations and others from the Michigan Occupational Information System (MOIS) in Two other sites need to communicate and their jobs are
AlthoughInternet is important to make your job search, e-mail is not in the case of a house and expects to remain at work are critical of you. You have not yet taken to the streets and with people you know and people, people, people who rent are white, white. At the end networking and personal contacts that you land a job.
A person of average for a job is really a marketing campaign and PR. Use any textand creative skills you need to write a letter of tone and marketing work. She has written many articles in order to convince readers to share your opinion or action. Use the same skills to convince someone to hire. Just think of the letter's largest ever field you can write.
As a journalist I have seen first hand the problems of this sector, and I understand it is very difficult for professionals working in the media, think and find work when newnecessary. But there is hope, especially when you consider that the use of skills Have you get what you needs for - job next, and if their work for the new, drop me a line.
One thing more. Not a smart aleck, but the newspaper business is in a part of the world and some Americans are involved in flower. Where? India. Go figure.
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