Losing Your Dream - The awakening of a new future
The days of losing your dream
How many of us have been there? You get up early every day to be cleaned and prepared for the job. You want your work 150% of your energy and desire the camaraderie of your colleagues, and friends from your customers and business partners.
So come and organizational changes. Your company is sold or acquired, the culture begins to change, and life is a "Who will be let go today ?",... or concernsdevelop on the dilution of respect and friendship within the group. Wondering, I'm working to get up early, and this will be the day when security is for me to leave the house? "
Then it happens. "Thank you for your years of service. However, the company is going in a different direction ..." Hear anything beyond this point. All I want is to go out and breathe fresh air. Sees in the office we saw a couple of marbles in the conversationFund, and the building pressure in the back of the head, just above the neck.
Get in the car to drive and start from somewhere. You do not want to go home. You do not want to explain to your wife or family who is now unemployed. You do not want to talk to them.
Then the calls will begin. "What happened?" "This is horrible, what can we do without you?" "Things are not the same ...,"" We are together ..."
Then find a café, access youre-mail address. Check out Facebook. Sehen Sie Ihre Freunde, die Gleichen Leute, die gerade angerufen zu sagen, wie schrecklich ist alles, dass Sie gehen werden lassen, und lesen Sie ihre markigen Kommentare über Parteien an diesem Abend, WAS sie tun, mit ihren Arbeitsplätzen, glückliche und Zukunft. And you realize all those fun things have happened without you in the planning or discussion.
At this point it is clear that most people who are called to go through the same emotions, if we go by pasta serious car accident on the highway. Damn, that's terrible. Glad I'm not. So even realize at the same time no matter how good a driver you are, no matter how good your driving record, it could happen to you. stop immediately, thoughts of you or a loved one lying on the concrete with an emergency team try to save his life. And as soon as possible, setting the scene from head and move on.
The morning after
Maybe you sleptWell, maybe you stayed awake through mentally and forth between the emotions of shock, anger, inadequacy, failure and sadness. But the next morning to arrive, with the sun, the news and the dawn of a new day. You hear the noise outside the window of others who are going to work.
Now, the administrative controls one-off redemption, tell your family, review the procedure to register for unemployment benefits, think about getting your resume in order, think about howGo to support your family for the coming months. And all the time, a burning sensation in my stomach trying to break in an explosion of emotions that you can not define or control.
Your Real Friends prove their worth
After one or two days you will start to more calls. These are guys who can not have spoken for a while ', but they share the difficult times in one or more companies over the years. You know, your contributions to your industry,Your customers, and loyalty to his colleagues and employees.
Rather than talk about what sucks is that "blow" from your former company, They are more interested in new opportunities, and how your energy, ability and commitment to a new company or a new career challenge May Be Used. Not "sucks to be you" but "what we can do together."
Then change to the burning sensation in the belly of an ardent sense of hope begins. Perhaps you are not atrain crash or failure, perhaps only to a point that you must fill your creativity and energy. Many months have passed when you left a tremendous energy to take care of themselves on what was happening peeled happened that day, and now that energy can be focused on a new and useful.
Real Opportunity takes time and planning
Nothing good comes from heaven. Real is the result of hard work and good planning. Preparation through education and networking and interpersonalbuilding with a sincere wish, and to succeed.
Tacit knowledge and experience gained during the night is not the result of hard work, failure, success, and that a lot of people and materials are exposed. "Tacit knowledge and experience gives us the ability to quickly identify problems, opportunities and apply our knowledge to fix quickly, or use is a possibility.
Aspects of tacit knowledge are those that are not encrypted, but can only be transmitted viaCollected through personal training or experience. Tacit knowledge is described as' has the know-how - unlike "know-what" (facts), know-why "(science), or" know-who (networking). It is about learning and skills, but not in a way that can be written. With tacit knowledge, people often are not aware or have knowledge that can be useful for others. effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact and trust. While tacit knowledge It seems fairly simple, has far reaching consequences and is not generally known. (Wikipedia)
Without the tacit knowledge may not be able to identify a problem or opportunity.
You can also use a new concept that we would call "an implied relationship." This is a circle of relationships that is created over the years based on mutual respect and openness to their ideas, cultures, differences and personality.
After a few days past the emotional roller coaster> Professional and termination of society, it is time to pity, take the attitude that your experience and ability, deserves better personal feelings of failure and self-regulation. The history of the old society, and there is no reason to comment on the story. The new day is to open the door, a new and better life.
Open the door. We owe it to ourselves, our true friends, and business opportunities, develop and build.
John Savageau, Long Beach
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