Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Change successful career in 7 steps

USA Today reported in January 2010 with 45% satisfaction in the workplace in the United States. But most of the idea want to change your career at this time is not an option. To maintain productivity, innovation and creativity, perseverance in a job where he is disengaged is not an option. Can not engaged? Here are seven points that are to want to change your career, whatever success the economic climate. Even in difficult times, less stress is the key to job satisfaction.

IAbout share with you the exact steps I took when I made my last career change. I did everything from TV Direct Sales to Director of Women's Imaging Services. Yet I am filled with nothing but what I do at the moment. I firmly believe that job satisfaction is a gift of God, if after your unique vocation. So if you thought about a career change, here are my top 7 steps:

Before Opt. It 's the first step to get on your career path. ChangeFind the 'beginning of your career or profession are engaged in the process and be willing to do anything, stay with the decision to do so designed. Indecision steals your motivation and set to fail. If you do not make a firm decision on the appeal (of work) are designed to do, the first sign of resistance to bending. There is a difference between being concerned and committed.

According conduct an inventory. Vote your values, transferable skills, interests and talents.Look inside and find out what makes them unique and its importance for your future. The life and work experience provide evidence of your interests and talents. Education shows your skills and knowledge. Make a complete list of all, not too small or too large, then ...

The third research not a professional, interesting or exciting, seems to be. Run for information interviews with people who already want to do. Internet search will be made only if you have specialQuestions you need to answer. Without a guided search on the Internet is likely to get an information overload, so overwhelmed. Borrow books from library career that fascinates you. If you have a list or feel pulled in different directions, choose one. Doing research is the only way to determine if it suits you.

Fourth Now you can make an informed decision from your heart. That's right, not the head, the heart. If you want true peace, real adventureto monitor actual performance of the decision to make your call from your heart. Listen to your inner voice and ask for feedback. Ask yourself these questions: No Peace for the decision? If I was guaranteed success, what would I do? This decision career match with my God given talent a purpose?

Fifth Avoid Perfection paralysis. You know what I mean. If you expect everything to be perfect, feeling motivated or inspired to act before the decisionYou will never do anything. Waiting for everything to be perfect to steal ideas from one side and holds us firmly in life we despise even afraid to do something else. The end result is paralysis.

Preparation and sixth stop. Now you're on your way to make an impact in your world. And 'this new area you have to learn new skills or refine existing knowledge? In the words of Henry Hartman, "where preparation meets opportunity, success is found. Be patient as youcontinue the journey. Do not cave on first glance the opposition. In fact, if you encounter an obstacle closer to success than you think. Do not give up!

Seventh Relax.When I started my journey, I took it too seriously and can not see the humor in many situations. I was tied too closely with the results and outcomes of learning, rather than the process and enjoy the ride. This is a journey on a path that is dripping with abundance, if we spend too much time focused onHoles, you'll miss the beautiful scenery.

You do not need you to do this journey alone. personal growth and satisfaction with the support of a mentor, guide or coach accelerated.



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