Saturday, July 3, 2010

Offshore Drilling Jobs - How to get hired without experience drilling

So you want a job working for drilling. You know that oil companies drilling offshore are involved? In addition to the super-big players like Esso, BP, Shell, etc. Did you know that these big boys do not always know their own drilling? Very often these days, are forced to forgive a portion of the small jobs.

Have you heard of these companies: Diamond Offshore (Houston, USA), Dolphin Drilling (Tananger, Norway) and Frigstad Offshore (Singapore)?How about Offrig Drilling ASA, Scorpion Offshore, Offshore and Songa Drilling ASA Thule? These are just some of the modern oil industry. In their way, you can call their modern wildcatters. In the recent fall in oil prices, were the giants like Shell and BP are investing in their employees and oil drilling technology. But some smaller companies correctly predicted that prices will rise again. They invest in R & D techniques and drilling technologies to be developed.They are building new facilities for deep water drilling. These are the guys that Shell and BP for the provision of oilfield services.

If you want to work on an oil platform offshore, you have two options. The route most people think is to get on board as part of the drilling team. If you have any knowledge, you will probably be one or pumpman derrickman. Otherwise, need to be a thug or port. Drillers are virtually second in command, and assistant to the oil rigManager. Technically, a peasant / a docker. On the other hand, the number of workers earning $ 50,000 a year for only six months of work each year? Unlike a normal worker, who is unable to make his way up to the level of manager, a thug with the right attitude to be a real possibility of an operator of a drilling rig. Of course, first you have to work his way through derrickman and exercises.

This is not the only way to get a job drilling. If yousome useful trade, as a cook or doctor, this is a good choice, independent of your rig experience. You can get the same generous living conditions for the drilling crew wages and better than a similar offer on the mainland.

Precisely because it is an offshore oil platform that does not mean it does not need office staff. No matter where you go, you can not get out of paperwork. Find paper pushers. Apart from the influence of the oil rig tool, they are called. Working in the riggingOffices and rig floors.

You also have the mechanical and electrical department department. Mechanical Department hires drivers, mechanics and maintenance supervisors who are responsible for all mechanical operations. The electrical department include jobs like electrician, electronic technician and maintenance and repair supervisor in charge of all electrical devices.

A working offshore drilling is a very lucrative career. As you can see, you do not haveDrilling need experience to get hired on a rig. And now that we know, there are companies other than Shell staff recruitment is to have many opportunities in the country. You can analyze as part of the crew, or as a merchant.

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