12 Steps to Targeting Success in your career or job search
Your job search sagging? Are you still looking for that next dream job? Or start looking for a new job and I'm not sure about the best way to go before you? What you need is a way to evaluate your job search strategies to see if they are effective for you.
Ready to begin? Here are 12 building blocks for a successful job search and objectives that will help you if you really wantbe at work:
1) Make calls on the network: effective work begins and ends with the network. Start making a list of everything I know: family members, extended family, friends, past and present Employees, colleagues, religious community, hairdresser, dog groomer, neighbors. Even a list of employees who work in your favorite food or video store, bank clerks and gas station attendants. All! Call or talk to anyone on the list (mostPeople can easily a list of 50-100 people). Objectives: Make 3-5 new line telephone calls per week.
2) contact with the employers before openings occur: The process of applying for a job before the opening is known to be present "is for" access to the hidden job market - and this is crucial for success look for work. Use an online tool such as Reference USA to access employer information, you can e-mail-oriented CVLetter to the business, size, focus, and sales to meet criteria. Target: 50-10 mail applications targeted, but not required with cover letter a week.
3) the reaction to the book online: There are literally hundreds of sites like Monster.com, and may seek opportunities for hours in Texas for work. Do not forget to check out more titles, or parts of songs and every opportunity to publish your curriculum vitae. Aim to respond to: 3-5 comments per week.
4) help wanted ads in newspapers as an answer: This is the most important job search strategy seekers around the world, but what do you think? received 100 applications by an employer, will throw away 92-95! Target: Send resume and letters of only 3-5 a week, in response to help wanted ads.
To contact 5) identification of new employer: the employer will find the old fashioned way: in the books of the mobile phone and network through word of mouth, in reference books and onlineDatabases (such as Reference USA, as mentioned above), through articles in local newspapers and through the yellow pages of your telephone. Objective: To identify and research five new employer during the week and use them on your quota to fill # 2.
6) contact recruiters and employment agencies: it is not appropriate for every job seeker to contact recruiters and employment agencies, but if this strategy makes sense for you, so take advantage of all resources.Target: Contact a recruiter or a new agency in the week.
7) Make follow-up calls and sending thank-you letters / cards: Send resume and cover letters is only the first step in the process of developing relationships with employers. By 1 ½ to 2 weeks, they should verify that they received the material and information on the next steps. Always follow-up interviews and make a habit of sending thank you letters or cards after, too. Target: 5-10 pointsFollow-up calls during the week and send a thank-you note or a card for each interview or informational interview will participate each week.
8) Manage your references: How to manage your "references? Supply each with a copy of each version of your resume. Keep up-to-date, what happens is a search in your work. You do not need to call During the week, but should generate messages every couple of weeks at least. Give your reference a copy of allRefer to any way you can refer employers to someone else on the list if're asked. Prepare your references, giving them basic information, adjectives and descriptive words that sell "your best stuff. Objective: Each contact person at least once a month during the active job search and to apply, where appropriate, is the perfect opportunity to prepare.
9) Practice interview answers: Not only is the practice the night before aInterview. Objective: Practice interview answers your questions and at least 1 time per week.
10) Make the process of wage bargaining: wage negotiations with the idem. Objective: Practice your strategies and responses at least 1-2 times a week.
11) Being socially with other employees find work is extremely lonely, so be sure to remain socially engaged with friends and family. Aim to see: the house at least twice a week Get friendsor extended family.
12) Manage your attitude and energy: this is the most important component of all, because without a positive attitude and a high concentration of energy, do not get the desired result. Target: at least something fun and creative outside the home during the week.
Why not Friday hours (if you are unemployed enjoy) and! Absolutely, categorically not looking for work during the weekend. Practice, dealing with your body, and the magazine. Feed your soul goodBooks and your spirit of hope.
Strengths or not, what works. Adapt, replace or repair what is wrong. New to evaluate your progress every 30 days search until it takes, we want to find work that really. And if they significantly improve search results within 45 days, see a professional research career for individual assistance.
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