Saturday, July 10, 2010

The need for African local content on the Internet

With the coming of a practical and very effective for companies such as the Internet, information technology and communication in general, many companies in Africa Have not yet take full benefit of using this powerful tool to improve Their businesses. There are a lot of truth to say that "unless you are on the web, one can not exist."

I remember when I used safely in an Internet cafe, a group of people who work entered the bar and went directly to meand my colleague. He took a piece of paper and one of them said, please, you can help, information on the Internet on it? He handed the note to my colleagues. After reading, went to read to me and yet quietly told me not to laugh later. It 'was really a difficult thing to do because to read it on the basis of class discussions, present the following ... Can you imagine that! Someone asked me to do a search on the Internet, "based onclass discussions "after a meeting with them for the first time? I never know in his class, much less understand, or what they discussed. But of course they came to us with the assumption that anything found on the Internet so why not what have just discussed in class.

The point here is that information available on the Internet "on their class discussions" basis, someone has to do there. If nobody does, then it is simply not there. Is notInternet and so it is with business.

The extent to which people go on the Internet for information and increasing customer online at Internet cafes rely, in addition to other forms of Internet access simply means that people are looking for more information. Proceed to the estimate of usable content primarily through local addresses of local businesses and services in Jos E 'as simple as this;

I need a color copy paper, not knowing that you can get toPam Rwang road about 300 yards from where I am. I thought it was there to see too much of a gadget, so instead of wasting my time down the road Rwang Pam for what I do not think Internet search and found a company that would sell a glance caught in Thousands of miles distance in the U.S., so I called a phone number on the site, my order and waited. 6 weeks later I had my color copier to spend money and waste a lotTime.

The situation can happen, although some companies have taken the burden and share the cost of a quantity of goods and services that we normally Should Be imported, but as can be found on the Internet if they are not there? Look for online is like trying to find something to class discussions, people in history. If anyone says it, then it is not easy there.

The lack of Internet presence by the slightestThe business is, you can not attend if you know where they are physically know.

Given the need for companies in Jos, the presence on the internet a way to have the same note, you can easily see the problem many of them related to the cost of advertising media available including TV, radio, newspapers, and also design and maintenance of a private website.

to get even with all the benefits and achievements from its exotic kept privateSites, the cost issue, "the jungle of the Internet to reach customers, and the popularity of shows still to be serious problems if you compare what it cost more to design and maintain a Web site that Most small and medium-sized enterprises firms to achieve a profit especially here in Nigeria.

homedepotjobstoday jobth


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