Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nursing Jobs abroad for foreign nurses in the United States

If you go forward in your nursing abroad to the United States of America, now is the time to do it. Hospitals in the United States are experiencing a personal crisis and this crisis is likely to worsen over the next decade.

The shortage of nurses in the United States will be through a number of factors. On the one hand, there are many nurses reaching retirement age or elect to retire early, and there are not enough nursing graduates to fill any gaps.And there's more stress on the existing medical staff is due to the bubble of baby boomers reach retirement age in place.

This is great news for internationally trained nurses, because now find nursing positions in U.S. hospitals with ease. hospital administrators are aggressively recruiting foreign nurses.

For nurses in the United States, legally, there are many papers and fill different states have different rules. To qualify for registration as a nurse in a stateUnited States must meet the following criteria:

* Enterprise post high school nursing education. This means that you must have high school and then to your training in nursing and went to do so.

* A nurse or a license, a nursing home. This means that are legal by the country where you train or practice which country are currently living.

* Have 1 year experience in specialty care. If you're not an expertNurses, for example, pediatric nurses, psychiatric nurses, neonatal nurses, it would be etc, your specialty as a nurse adult.

* Be able to communicate clearly in English. If English is not your first language, you will be asked to provide evidence of your ability to communicate the required standards. This means that you need a test of English language in speaking, reading, writing and listening take.

If these four critical pre-application meeting the criteria, you canStates to ensure that the Kingdom, you're a good candidate to get a job in nursing.

There are three visa options for nurses who want to work in the United States.

First, you can take the coveted green card. To be eligible for a green card, you must meet all the above criteria and go sit and the Commission on graduates of foreign nursing schools (CGFNS) examination. To get a visa for the longest of the three options, but is the best option for you ifwant a move in the long term to make the United States. E 'can move with a green card for your nursing career in the United States.

Secondly, you can apply for a visa H-1B. For a commercial H-1B visa, you must have at least a bachelor's degree in nursing. If you are a professional training of nurses do not need a visa is granted.

The visa for nurses last option is the H-1C visa. The problems of the U.S. government visas to 500 of these health professionals a year.

If you thoughtthat more work nursing home in the United States was an impossible dream, you were wrong. You need to start your applications at once, as we employ medical recruiters in the United States, now desperate to get!



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