Thursday, October 28, 2010

5 In-Demand Jobs in America - the trend towards the outsourcing of the time

In America as elsewhere, the trend of outsourcing business processes on the basis of the upward trend as more and more companies find cheaper labor as a means to reduce overhead and remain competitive. Economists predict that millions of jobs already available to the U.S. labor market are being transferred to the American labor overseas to countries whose workers command lower prices than the final.

E 'prudent for you to readjobs, outsourcing trends, this time. Here are five of those careers you're considering whether you can look for stable employment and career paths.

Career in medicine and health

Nurses and physician assistants to stay in the safe in the health profession. These works are still manned by foreigners, expatriate workers as the local supply can not question. Figures from the Department of Labor showcontinued growth in these occupations over the next decade. hospitals and clinics are still far from their outsourcing nurses and medical assistants, making sure a job if you have your degree of care and medical assistance training.

Would-Be-nurses can easily end up in their studies on-line training and on-campus as soon as possible, given that less than two years. masseurs, another line of medical personnel are not outsourcedfor obvious reasons-need to be in touch.

Career in sales and marketing

American sales and marketing are also men in their protected area. Sales in several sectors, including doctors by pharmaceutical representatives from the local staff remain. Outsourcing these jobs sales is still far in the future.

It helps if you like a solid bachelor's or master's degree in business administration or marketing for you better wages. Of course, ifThey are the seller of natural, background, st, you too can land a lucrative job selling anyway.


The teaching profession is safe from outsourcing their teachers. Although the steady influx of foreign teachers, the demand remains high for teachers in local schools. More and more Americans each year for school teaching job and more are always available.

You need the appropriateElementary school or secondary school qualifications and teaching experience country fattest paycheck. As you gain experience and to operate more or important administrative jobs to pay the force of impact.

Careers in Banking and Finance

Another field, the less will be outsourced, if not all, investment banking, insurance is so. Banking on these finance careers, to give you a steady stream of income for the next decade or so is actually a good investment, banking andfinancial sector continues to outsource local experts, rather than leave.

And do not you know? A career as a video player

During the animation game with cheap labor abroad, developers and designers can be swapped out of video games are in high demand in America. The trends show that technical know-how in this area continues to show weather trends such as outsourcing labor force statistics.

Software developers and programmers can be relative safety as they go inVideo game career.



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