Sunday, October 3, 2010

The impact of outsourcing and solutions

A proposed solution to alleviate the negative impact of outsourcing in the United States and other countries.


In recent years, American businesses and organizations of all types and sizes
have the advantage of sending their jobs overseas to lower costs
Operations. It is estimated that up to 200,000 jobs in the service sector could
lost each year over the next 11 years.

This means that to get cheaper cost of products that enablethe
The exploitation of the minimum wage in the U.S. and indirectly to our base
Human rights deserve meaningful work in the U.S.?

Here are some ways the impact of outsourcing and are proposed to deal
this problem, much needed relief when we strive to provide this handle
situation for us to come and the next generation.

Outsourcing & Solution

The origins of outsourcing in America dates back to 1970 when aMore
Corporation is developing its IT industry in India. Someone had thought
instead of paying someone $ 10 an hour in the United States, it would be much cheaper
to pay a foreign worker less than $ 2 per hour, so as to produce a product
The cost is much cheaper and increase profit margins to increase a company's
Chance of success. Through reduced costs and improved performance, have begun
the ball rolling to effectively lower the level of American life.
The effects of theseTrends affecting the American students who spend a fortune
get an education in America to find work in America, only to discover,
are displaced by foreign workers.

This is my friend, is doing is perfectly legal and a capitalist Vantage
Point. This model is good for corporate profits and increase. This trend
continue because the cost advantages enjoyed by citizens just
difficult to ignore, there is no long-term impact on the thinkingtheir
their lives. The damage to society and the economy in the long run may
strong short-term benefits of outsourcing outweigh currently experiencing
by the company today.

Outsourcing in the United States needs. Back reforms to give its citizens
Otherwise, they're taking away from them.

The points of impact and proposed solutions for outsourcing are:

First with a blind eye to the impact of outsourcing,
United StatesGovernment does not respect its policy on minimum wage. If
an employee be removed because an employer could get the same work for
much less than the minimum wage was therefore not violated the law on minimum wage.
Why not have a job these workers today is still lower than the wage system,
Why not just order the same to him and bring life
In our country that we are outsourcing our jobs? Why
with a working groupcan not be better than that. We know that this strategy
does not work and therefore not an option that would be a solution
this problem.

Secondly, it is disheartening to know that the negative effects
Outsourcing is one of the top of the agenda of political candidates
attempts to woo the people vote into office in 2008.

3 workers who lose their jobs outsourced
done to train their replacementsif not out to get benefits.

Very soon one quarter of the United States will not be able to produce small tag
such as shoes or nails, because we have killed our entire industry
one sector at a time.

Outsourcing is not a fifth person to blame was put on
Existence, because U.S. citizens wanted to be paid high salaries, but
not believe they have to pay higher prices for their superior quality custom-made American
Products. Instead, they began to acceptlow quality of significant
lower prices. Therefore, this imbalance encourages industries to lower bid
high quality products made abroad. The Americans did not see
comes after, because their wisdom to save money and a good deal concluded
costs in the long run. To fuel this trend began Industries
local businesses to produce goods outside the country and offer a lower resolution
Prices that people pay interest.

Here is the sixthmy proposed solution. Nobody seems to have presented
this as an option for the American people. Personnel Outsourcing
not have another job lined up family support and self-
may require some 'relief from this situation, outsourcing. For every 100 jobs
that are outsourced, companies should be required to reserve 25
(25%) of them to allow U.S. workers to accept jobs in position to receive the
a facility to enable the countryDestination.

Not everyone gets to take this opportunity and this position
Living in another country. But those who are wounded, and most are
willing to try something new and they want to do. This reduces
the impact of unemployment due to outsourcing and reorganization
displaced workers is much easier if you are upgrading to a different

The downside of this step is that these workers to accept positions
onWorking abroad than having to accept employment in the wage
those at the same level abroad. Not a point of great importance,
I have heard that IT workers are paid very well, based on the cost of living
in this country. U.S. companies have to write it as part of the contract
before the transfer of work in their country. This will be similar to
People from all over the world have come to Germany to work. Now is the time to reverse
that electricityWorkforce in order to encourage people, wherever their work
takes them.

7 ° Here is another unusual way to reduce production costs
The goods in the United States. An observation worth noting is the outsourcing
I've never lived in a management company that have outsourced.
When it comes to reducing the cost of operations, the
demand that the higher wages paid to a company specifically for
first. This is somethingThis gives the maximum benefit to cost reduction
leadership in any organization of multi-stacked, usually seen in American
Corporations. But it's no secret why this did not happen. Who
the decision to outsource and move those who have no voice in this matter,
You must be management. Therefore, this proposal is feasible, at least
At this time, but it is an idea taken seriously as a company looks
new ways to lose weight and do a little 'the main expense.

Career paths for the next generation of Americans may be the 8th
supported by further training as appropriate. Our children should not choose
Professions, which are placed in a box and sent for treatment abroad. Therefore,
they need in order to provide professional services can be local,
Plumber, electrician, doctor, car mechanic. You can see where this
. Go Anything that can not be delivered in foreign countries, we must do.

9 TheThe downside of this is surprising for the countries in which
America has the outsourcing of our jobs. You've got to use our products
and drawings. They have created a market for our products and Western culture
who can bring their standard of living for our game. You
way we think and live our lifestyle, enjoy the auto-
encourage them to demand higher grades. If this all goes right
Direction we have brought the worldStandard of living in countries
where we have outsourced our work.

Pardon for politically incorrect, but openly honest.
What I am is based on facts that are the basis of life
people in the United States. If you ignore the signs of change now, then it is
consume us and our future family. Let's pretend something
how much is not too late to help.


As a capitalist economy, it isalways about $ $ $ and have been raised
Win win for themselves. But when our business leaders worry more
on the future of American families and future generations?
Because we are determined to reduce our standard of living higher and lower
the quality of life we have had in the United States.



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