Saturday, October 9, 2010

Jobs for 16 years - Best Resume and Job Interview Tips for Sixteen

If you're 16, you are no longer a child, and may be less interested in spending your free time outside playing with your childhood friends (even if what we all like to do - no matter our age). She has 16 years, however, the correct time for years to earn some money to work for 16 years.

There are several reasons why you should take the time to part-time work. If you do not come from a wealthy family, work for 16 yearswould be very useful to help your parents to buy things that you like and want ("want", as my mother reminded me, when I was 16 years old).

On the other hand, if your parents can afford to give more, this teen jobs would only help to buy things he wanted, without asking your parents for them. they say for example, there is a book you want to read or a school you really want to provide - a video game, cell phone, iPod, CD player, etc. The money you earnThe part-time jobs that would help pay for any of them.

In this age, you are most adults, as a bit 'more experienced than their younger colleagues. The expectation may be higher for you, so if you go to a store, look for a job, or to ask a question to bring these things with you:

- Good attitude

- Clean look - clean and tidy with fresh breath and clean surface (nails, hands, clothes, use deodorant when you need it).

- AResume (even if the works are limited, demonstrate reliability and motivation)

- A list of three references with phone numbers and e-mail (if available) contact information.

- Good English - and a potential leader in the eyes, hands and feet. And you will earn high marks for compliance. Answer to complete sentences, not just "Yes" and "no"

- Take a minute to think about what skills you have that compliment for a given activity - for example ifHe spent last summer walking dogs, then you can say I am good at organization and prioritization able to work independently and do not require much supervision as soon as you have already given a task and he had explained.

- Turn off the phone. No exceptions. When the rings, you're fired - and you were only interviewing.

If you need to write a resume and do not know how to write, use this example for you: Keep it pure and simple - look for typos and grammarSomeone else's fault and proof read for you. I used to read 200 of these days and if you follow these simple rules were followed, then I quickly abandoned that have been included in the trash again.

Sample resume for young people:

Gale B. Smith
1234 A Street
Anytown, USA
Phone: 123-456-7899
E-mail: wanta jobs (at)
Age: 16 years

The inclusion of data on PC
Cash registerExperience
Good with people

JOBS I want: I am able to find a way of my work in a shop so I have to improve. I will also be other options available within the school curriculum in my arrival.

Relevant experience:

1) Summer 2009 Walk-A-Thon Program Leader Oregon, Portland,

- I organized a group of 20 going 20 miles for a good cause in our area on foot.

- Coordination of 20 people with e-mail, telephone,to contact in person, meetings and training

- Follow-Through propaganda for contributions over $ 2000.

- Name of the leader of 'years by colleagues Walk-A-Thon

2) In the summer of 2008, Dog Walker, Portland, Oregon

- Creation of poster and advertising campaign for services in the local and district

- Door to door sales

- Management of ten customers for daily walks of 13 dogs five days a week

- Customer relations-friendly

- Risk Management and protective measures taken

- Manages the coordination of schedules, alarms, animals and people

3) Summer 2007 lawnmowers, hedge trimmers and Leaf Raker-Weed Puller

- Monitored the recommended lawn ideas for clients

- Effective Time Management

- Team Player

- Creative thinkers and problem-solving

- Improved community appearance

1) Mary Smith (neighbor and customer)
1235 Anywhere Street
Anytown,> USA
mary (at)

2) John Jones (former coach)
1122 Anywhere Street
Anytown, USA
Jones (at)

3) Mr. Joe Calabria (Teacher)
1212 Anywhere Street
Anywhere, USA
JoeC (at)

The best job for 16 years are receiving on their own, then have to spend money, and it is possible in the summer of skills that get even better thisWork for next summer!

Good luck! And if you still have problems - use your imagination and ask the neighbors, family friends, what can you do to earn money for them.

E 'honor in every job well done.



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