Saturday, April 17, 2010

Main Street Marketing Machines - Local Search, Greatest Opportunity For Marketers Today

Don't Miss These Two Opportunities That Come Only Once In Every 30 - 60 Years

I'm writing you right now from a hotel suite overlooking the ocean in beautiful Amalfi, Italy where we are having breakfast on a private balcony. My fiancee and I have been vacationing in Europe for the past three weeks enjoying all the culture, sites and great food that Europe has to offer, and this time has allowed me some space to reflect about what makes it possible for any of us to live the life of our dreams. I'm writing you this e-mail to share with you just exactly how I am currently making a ton of money, mostly from other people's efforts, even while I take vacations like this and have time to spend with my family, friends and do all the things I want to do, anywhere in the world.

Right now there are two amazing opportunities that are happening right before our eyes. It's amazing because things like this only happen once in every generation or two. Just like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and the other dot com guys were in the right place at the right time when they were born in the late 50's to take advantage of the computer age opportunities that came about in the late 70s and early 80s, you are now in the right place at the right time for these two opportunities that I am taking advantage of myself even as we speak.

What are they? The first is the ability to buy real estate at prices way under replacement cost. We're buying properties now at auction at about 60% of what it would cost to build them. Better still, buying at those prices allows us to turn around and sell them for $50,000, $60,000 or more than we paid (the last one we did sold for over $100,000 more than we paid for it) and we can do it in 90 - 180 days! We are building multiple "real estate buying machines" all over the US and using private money from investors to fund them. You can do the same thing, and over the next several weeks, I'm going to share with you the blueprint that I and my two good friends Bob Leonetti and Dan Doran are using to make it happen. Look for more information on this soon.

The second is something that I accidentally fell into, but that has generated over $200,000 in "surprise" windfall earnings for me recently. That is helping local business owners get found online. You see there are over 13 million small local business owners who don't have websites, and even more who have a website but have not yet been able to be found on the search engines. Over the past 18 months or so, I've helped over 100 business owners get sites up and get found online, and now I'm kicking this business into turbo high gear.

This opportunity is unbelievably profitable because there is so little competition offering this service to local business at a reasonable price. Low competition and high demand is a formula that I've used to make millions of dollars and you can too. The challenge up until now has been how much work it is to get everything set up to help local businesses rank. I had to travel to the Philippines, rent space, build a company, train people and spend over $100,000 and hundreds of hours putting together the group I have that does this. But now, Mike Koenigs has put together a complete Done For You system to help local businesses, including EVERYTHING you need to get them ranked and get them to sign up with you to help them!

So, I'm writing to share with you what Mike is doing. It's called "Main Street Marketing Machines" and it's a product that he is going to be selling. He beta tested under a different name, and I am part of that group, and the tests were off the charts for people having success. There are so many money making systems that don't do squat for people who buy them, but MSMM is different. It gives you everything you need and you can learn about it and get some great free information from Mike's launch videos that are up now.

If you wish you had bought MicroSoft stock when it came out and then Google and then... well you get the idea. If you keep missing out on the next big thing, here's your chance to finally get in as the next big thing is getting started. I'm doing this myself or I would not be so passionate about recommending that you buy Main Street Marketing Machines. Also, if you buy through my link, I will be paid a commission as an affiliate, but I would tell you to get this even if there was no commission. Seriously, I paid full price for it myself, and I am going to use it over the next 12 months to build another multi-million dollar business. I invite you to join me in doing the same thing for yourself.

If you do decide to buy Main Street Marketing Machine and you buy through my link, I will give you a killer Main Street Marketing Machines Bonus. I will walk with you, sharing what I am doing as I build this into a seven and then eight figure business, so that you can see how I am doing it, and we can be successful together. The link is below in my resource box. I hope you decide to come along with me on this once in a generation opportunity...



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