Friday, April 9, 2010

Helplessness and chaos - the lack of jobs

If you are unemployed or have seen today, a recent transition, you will know the feelings of helplessness and chaos. Of course, these feelings are very unpleasant and, in fact, only those people who hate the most.

Like most things, there are varying degrees of these feelings. You can come over early as frustration (why is? Not that Recruiter me call you back) or impatient (it was already two weeks, comes a quote?).

Depending on how long you've been(Or) were working out, these feelings either manageable or more debilitating. The combination of days and weeks passed and the lack of progress it makes it worse. Each milestone by rolling like one more week will begin to pay severance pay to chew made known to the wall expectations. For example, people expect that most of their search takes 3-6 months. Every day after 3 months, starts with feelings of fear bring.

You can do what is necessary to reduce the impact ofthese feelings?

1st Be proactive

2nd Identify a job search strategy

3rd Create a financial plan

4th Communicate your plan, your family, friends and former employees

You certainly can not control everything, that happens during your search. There are too many factors that affect each step. However, your level of confidence (to know that you are doing the right things and with the right frequency) a great influence on the way you arereceived at each meeting with recruiters, hiring managers and networking events.

Have a great week. If you're here looking for a job - have a great plan.



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