Saturday, April 24, 2010

Are Job Searches Better in the Summer?

Going Christmas shopping is usually better after Thanksgiving. Going skiing is usually better in the winter after a good snow has fallen. Going hunting for beautiful flowers is usually better in the spring. And some argue that searching for a job is usually better in the summer.

Never heard of that? Well, you're not alone. You, like most people, probably feel that there's no right season to find a job. However, some experts beg to differ, believing that the down time many companies experience in the summer time offers a perfect opportunity to slide on in. While this myth has yet to be proven, if you happen to be searching in these summer months, there are some tips you can take advantage of to make your search easier.

Use Summer Family Events to Your Advantage

Summer is the time that people love to get out and enjoy each other's company, so it's a good idea to use this to your advantage by getting out and spending time with them. For instance, if your cousin is having a beautiful summer wedding, you can attend for support, and also get in a little networking. Or if there is a family barbeque that you don't want to miss, don't just eat the hamburgers and hot dogs, also get out there and meet some friends of the family. You never know, you might just find your next big opportunity this way.

Spend More Time at Networking Events

As mentioned previously, summer is the time that people like to get out. Take advantage of this by getting out to various events in your community. There are likely to be several networking organizations that will offer events for the public to enjoy. For instance, there may be outdoor wine tastings, free concerts, and more. These events offer the perfect opportunity to meet with individuals who work for prominent companies in the area. Of course, if you attend these fun, summertime events, be careful to watch your alcohol intake. You don't want a wonderful networking opportunity to turn into the most embarrassing and devastating moment in your job search.

Don't Give Up

During the summer, instead of feeling encouraged during your job search, you may actually feel a bit discouraged due to the difficulties you may run into trying to reach the right people. You have to remember that many employees - especially those in higher positions - may be taking their vacations during the summer while their children are out of school. This means the person you're looking to connect with may be out of the office more than in. Don't let this discourage you, though. Instead, be persistent (not annoying) until you can reach the person you're looking for. This persistence may help you slide past the competition that's waiting around for people to get back from vacation.

Since it has not been proven that summer is a better time to conduct a job search, it's good to treat this season like the others. By working hard and persisting as you normally would, you are sure to find that job you want.



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