Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Job Hunting 101 - Recruiters Can Help

Unemployment rates are at an all-time high. Companies are downsizing and closing their doors faster than the news can keep up, and there is very little to look forward to in today's career world. Having a recruiter on your team when it comes to job hunting and finding the perfect job is going to make your life a lot easier, no matter who you are or what type of job you're looking for. Recruiters will allow you to get to know them on a personal level, and they will want to know you on that same personal level, as well. By giving them the chance to learn who you are as a person and as an employee, they will be able to help you to find great jobs that suit your needs, both personal and professional.

Recruiters are also highly trained in finding jobs that are applicable to your skills and abilities, and they are able to create customized job searches for all of their recruits which will be much more specific than what you find on your own. You'll be able to enjoy fewer wasted interviews and phone calls when you have a recruiter on your side. The average person does change jobs about 3-5 times in their life. However, as a job function, the recruiter spends every day of their life looking for jobs. Who do you think is going to have better luck finding you a new job?

When the economy is in the shape that it is, employers often find themselves inundated with applications that they have to sort through, which uses a lot of their time and can become overwhelming. Therefore, many companies will turn to recruiters or temp agencies to find their next employees so that they don't have the headache of sorting through 200 applications for one job position. Recruiters will only send the company people who are actually qualified for the job, saving the company a lot of time by not having to interview people who might not even have the right skills or training needed.

A job interview is supposed to help an employer see how well you'd fit in with their company, not just to go over the skills that they already know that you have. Therefore, having a recruiter on hand to find specific jobs that cater to your skills and abilities can give you a better shot at landing these interviews and being able to talk about what you have to offer and what's best for you. Just make sure that you take the time to find a reputable recruiter who is, in fact, able to help you find the perfect job based on your specific needs. It doesn't matter whether you're looking for professional positions or entry level jobs, because having a recruiter on your side can prove to be much more beneficial in any job search.



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