Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fill That Information Technology Job Vacancy

Recession or no recession, fresh reports suggest that now is a far better time than you may have thought for the information technology job market. According to one survey, permanent private sector jobs in IT across all sectors are growing at the fastest rate since 2007. Salaries are at their highest levels for more than 18 months, signalling a new upsurge in employer confidence.

In fact, with 110,000 people needed to fill jobs in Britain's technology sector each year, renewed efforts are now being made to attract young people into the industry.

Despite reports of overseas outsourcing and potential public sector cuts over the next 12 months, and a possible dip in the number of temporary posts, there are still plenty of opportunities for anyone looking for a job in IT, and strong technical skills will always be highly sought after.

If you're an employer and have an information technology job to fill, there are many benefits to using a specialist IT recruitment agency. One of the biggest advantages is the hours an agency can save an organisation's managers or human resources team. HR staff already have many conflicting demands on their time, and may not have specialist IT knowledge.

In particular, if you're a small business looking for someone to fill an IT role, you're probably already stretched, and your time will be doubly precious. There may simply not be enough hours in the day to write and design job adverts or sift through countless CVs. Equally, you may not happen to have the extensive interviewing skills which someone working for a recruitment agency will have.

IT job agencies are also equipped with all the right technical skills to identify the best candidate for an information technology job. Indeed, agency staff may well have previously worked in the industry themselves.

Agencies are aware of all the latest industry trends, and know exactly what to look for so that selection is as accurate as possible. If you just place adverts yourself, the adverts can be hit and miss.

Rather than going through a jobs board, specialist agencies will go directly to the people they know, making the whole process much quicker and more reliable. By the time you meet candidates, the agency will already have interviewed them personally.

Like any business, an IT recruitment service needs to charge for what it does. But consider the potential cost to your organisation of hiring someone who simply isn't up to the job. It can be a disastrous waste of time and money. Most agencies only seek payment once someone is in post for a few months and doing well.

A good recruitment agency will be with a client every step of the way, from drafting the advertising to advising unsuccessful applicants. With some reports suggesting it can take 12 hours of effort just to get someone into your office for an interview, you can see why employers turn to recruitment agencies.



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