Thursday, April 15, 2010

Job Search Strategies - Crafting Your 30 Second Introduction For the Interview

Your 30 second introduction will always be the way you answer the question "So, tell me about yourself". But it is also very useful as an introduction when you meet people at professional organization or other meetings.

People have a short attention span and innovations like MTV, which turned 25 in 2007, have served to shorten that attention span even further. That means it is vital that you carefully craft what the person you are talking to hears while they are still listening to you - and 30 seconds may be close to their attention limit. You want to make sure that they hear the important accomplishments and talents you bring to the table without a lengthy buildup.

Start with a brief, specific definition of who you are professionally. For example: "I am a professional Project Manager. I currently am (or most recently was) managing projects for XYZ Company."

Follow with a highlight of your career - either a single thing you are proud of or two or three things you have been consistently known for. "I'm especially proud of the $60 million whatever project that I managed for the XYZ Company that my team and I were able to bring in under budget and a month ahead of deadline." Or, "I consistently bring good planning, people management skills, and a record of early completion to any project I work on."

Finish with a sentence or so about why you are currently in the job market. It could be that you are interested in exploring opportunities in an exciting new arena or, even, that your job was one of hundreds impacted in a major corporate reorganization and you are using this opportunity to explore new areas.

Just remember you want to be short and specific and you'll be terrific.



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